I want...
April 9, 2017 By
Leanne Vogel
December 14, 2018
Solo episode, chatting with my sister about our keto experience at Natural Products Expo West, the leading trade show in the natural, organic and healthy products industry. We found a bunch of low-carb snacks, treats, and a couple of amazing carb-up options this year.
For podcast transcript, scroll down.
Instant Pot is a partner of the podcast! Get your Instant Pot pressure cooker for $10 off with code HEALTHFUL at InstantPot.com.
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with the NOW digestive health & probiotic product finder. Use the coupon code KETO (all in caps, no spaces) for 25% off your order.*Leanne Vogel: Hey guys, before we get started with today’s episode, I wanted to take just a couple of moments and ask for your help on something. I really, really, really need your help on this. If you ordered my upcoming paperback that’s coming out on April 11th called The Keto Diet, you are going to be getting it in just a couple of days. When you do get it, as soon as you flip through a couple of pages and get a feel for the book, maybe you read a couple of chapters, it would be amazing if on April 11th or as close to April 11th as you can, that you go on Amazon and Barnes & Noble, and leave a quick review for the book.
All I’m asking for is an honest review. I’m not asking for a glowing review, just something, something to put your words down on the interwebs about your experience of the book or what you think of the book. You can go to ketodietbook.com/amazon or ketodietbook.com/bn, and it will direct you to the two different pages, one on Amazon and one on Barnes & Noble where you can leave a quick review. That will be so, so, so helpful for me. I want to thank you in advance for doing that. Thank you so much for ordering the book.
If you are going to be coming to one of the tour events, I can’t wait to meet you. If you haven’t already picked up a copy, you can find more details about the book by going to Ketodietbook.com. Thanks in advance for those reviews guys. I’m hoping we can hit New York Times Bestseller list, so we’ll see how it goes. Your reviews definitely go a long way to helping me achieve this, so thank you. You’re listening to episode 28 of The Keto Diet podcast. Today we’re chatting about upcoming food and nutrition trends and favorite keto foods from Expo West. Stay tuned.
Hey, I’m Leanne from healthfulpursuit.com, and this is The Keto Diet podcast where we’re busting through the restrictive mentality of a traditional ketogenic diet to uncover the life you crave. What’s keto? Keto is a low-carb, high fat diet where we’re switching from a sugar-burning state to becoming fat burning machines. If you’re in need of keto recipe food prep inspiration, I’ve prepped a free 7-day keto meal plan exclusive for podcast listeners. The plan is complete with a shopping list and everything you need to chow down on keto for seven whole days. Download your free copy at healthfulpursuit.com/ketomeal. Let’s get this party started.
The show notes and full transcripts for today’s episode can be found at healthfulpursuit.com/podcast/e28. The transcript is added to the post about 3 to 5 days following the initial air date of this episode. Let’s hear from one of our awesome partners.
Instant Pot, my personal favorite pressure cooker is a partner of the podcast. With Instant Pot you can make meals in minutes. Truly, I was someone who was intimidated by pressure cookers but I’m so happy I gave Instant Pot a try. It makes rich bone broths, hearty stews, and epic dishes just like your slow cooker does but a lot quicker. I have the Instant Pot IPDuo 60 which pressure cooks, slow cooks, cooks rice, sautes, makes yogurt, steams, and warms up food all in one. As an exclusive for Keto Diet podcast listeners only, Instant Pot is offering everyone $10 off any Instant Pot of their choice. Simply go to instantpot.com, find the unit that best suits you, and use the coupon code HEALTHFUL, that’s all in caps, no spaces, for your $10 discount.
If you have an idea for a podcast episode or want to submit praise over and above the review which you can leave by going to healthfulpursuit.com/review, you can reach me at info@ketodietpodcast.com.
We have one announcement this week. Well, it’s kind of like two but it’s basically one. My book goes live on April 11th. If your new to the podcast or new to everything Healthful Pursuit, I spent the last year writing this book non-stop, haven’t slept a lot, and you’ll see why when you pick up a copy. It’s four pounds of keto knowledge all in one place, a lot to do with the preparation of foods and really how to do keto practically in your life. The first piece of this announcement is that my book goes live in two days. If you didn’t pre-order, you can purchase the book at your favorite bookstore. This will actually help me a great deal. If you did pre-order, that actually helped me get pre-order numbers, and hopefully, I mean, maybe it’s wishful thinking, but I would really like to hit New York Times bestseller with this book.
Maybe that’s wishful thinking, but I always go big or go home so the pre-orders definitely helped, but if you did not pre-order the book and you’re interested in getting my paperback, if you go to one of your favorite bookstores, and you grab the book, that will help me a great deal in hitting those numbers. The first week the book launches, so from April 11th to April 18th is the most important time, so if you’re thinking about getting the book and you’re not really sure, it would be amazing if you purchase it that first week. That would be so unreal. If you are thinking of getting it online and going to a bookstore just isn’t your jam, you can go to ketodietbook.com.
The second piece is now that the book is coming live, when you are sharing maybe a picture of yourself with the book or maybe some of your favorite pages, or maybe you’re making a recipe and you’re sharing it on social media, or perhaps you are going to be coming with me on tour for one of the days, and we’re going to be meeting in real life, you can use the #ketodietbook when you make any of the recipes or do any of these things while sharing the book on social media, and you’ll be entered to win either a jar of Epic Provisions Cooking Oils or Kasandrino’s Extra Virgin Olive Oil. These are like the big jars guys. These are awesome gifts. Two winners will be randomly drawn each and every single week from April 11th to June 20th, so that’s a total of 20 winners.
There’s nothing that you need to do in order to enter except use the #ketodietbook on any social media. My team will grab it and consider that one of your entries. Every time you use that hashtag when it relates to the book or any of the recipes or us on tour, then you get an entry. Giveaway is open to US and Canadian residents. If you’re curious about more details and all the things, you can go to healthfulpursuit.com/ketodietbookgiveaway for more details.
Today’s show is quite a treat. My sister Christina and I went to Expo West which is a natural products expo that happens in Anaheim every year. This is Kristina’s second year joining me and she really just comes to help me and then we go to Disneyland and Universal. It’s kind of become a sister tradition. I got really sick after the show, so we had to delay recording this because my voice got worse and worse to the point you couldn’t even understand me, but it’s getting a lot better so when we got together for our sister day the other day, we get together on Thursdays and just hang out and eat snacks and do things, we recorded this episode. We just went through some of the food trends that we’re noticing. The really cool thing about Expo West is that you have up-and-coming products, up-and-coming companies that maybe are new or it’s their first year out in the market. A lot of the larger companies also launch new products that consumers haven’t even seen yet, so you get to see what’s happening in food trends for 2017.
We noticed a little bit more keto from last year, but not as much as I was personally expecting, so it’s going to take some time for all of these things to even out. I think we saw the keto word three times which was three more times than we saw it last year so that’s awesome. We really wanted to go through a lot of the products that excited us, and companies that were just really cool. The awesome thing about going to a business-to-business type of show is that you get to meet the people behind the brand. A lot of the owners were there, and the CEOs, and the marketing managers, and just people that are hustling to share these products.
I always love aligning myself with companies that feel good, and treat people good, and are just excited about their product, and so much more so. There are people at the show that once you meet them, they’re like, “Oh yeah, you know, you’re brand really doesn’t align with my people.” It’s really about aligning ourselves with different values and supporting other awesome rock stars out there that are just crushing life and making great things. Without further ado let’s cut over to our chat.
Leanne Vogel: What’s going on?
Christina Vogel: Not much. What’s up with you?
Leanne Vogel: You know. Just straight chilling. It’s sister day.
Christina Vogel: Sister day, Thursday.
Leanne Vogel: We’re recording this a little bit later because I got sick, really sick, like super sick. I still managed to go Universal though. I just took a bunch of Dayquil. Okay, so Expo, what did you think? Second year for you.
Christina Vogel: It was educational in lots of different ways and it was really fun. We met a lot of really cool people this year, more so than last year I feel like.
Leanne Vogel: Yeah. We really connected with a lot of really cool brands and the owners of brands and the stories behind the brands. What was the number one connection that you loved?
Christina Vogel: That’s a good question. Let me think about this. I feel like the people at Vital Proteins are always my favorite.
Leanne Vogel: Yeah, because their product is so great.
Christina Vogel: I use it every day, so just meeting the people behind it was really cool to be like, “Thank you. Thanks for all of your hard work,” and they had a food truck which is so cool so you could get collagen outside while you were tanning.
Leanne Vogel: With the bone broth. We had some bone broth. That was delicious.
Christina Vogel: And the beauty water, all these things are coming. Actually, by the time this show goes live they will probably already be out. The beauty water, three different flavors, and the bone broth packets so you can be on a plane and ask for hot water, and then just put the bone broth powder in the hot water and then you have bone broth.
Leanne Vogel: It’s magic. I drink it at my desk constantly.
Christina Vogel: Yeah. Chicken and beef. Oh my gosh, I think the top highlight connection for me was Farmhouse Culture.
Leanne Vogel: Oh yeah, the owner Catherine is the best human.
Christina Vogel: Magic.
Leanne Vogel: What about the themes? We saw some of the same things over and over and over and over again. Popcorn, there was so much popcorn in ridiculous amounts.
Christina Vogel: You know what’s frustrating is there were no good popcorns. What about coconut oil? What about avocado oil? There was none of that which, I don’t know, maybe there’s a gap in the market and that will figure itself out, but there was definitely a huge theme of brain and gut.
Leanne Vogel: Yes. There were a lot of brain and gut things.
Christina Vogel: Some brain things were like how could you even say that this is good for your brain?
Leanne Vogel: It was very confusing. I’m not sure.
Christina Vogel: Then there was trail mix like nuts. I felt like there were a lot of nuts.
Leanne Vogel: Yeah, because I had to zoom you past a couple with the peanut thing.
Christina Vogel: Oh, the peanut thing.
Leanne Vogel: Peanuts were huge apparently because there will a million booths with them.
Christina Vogel: Yeah, like peanut butter and peanut powder and peanut flour.
Leanne Vogel: I just like putting peanuts in stuff you normally wouldn’t put peanuts in.
Christina Vogel: Probably popcorn. Then there was also kombucha. There was a ton of kombucha.
Leanne Vogel: So much kombucha, which was great for us because we could have a belly power-up before we trekked through the whole Expo.
Christina Vogel: Broth. Broth was huge.
Leanne Vogel: Yeah. It was cool. There was one butcher’s bone broth that was super gelatinous. They had it cooled in a cup and I have never seen broth that gelatinous before. It looked like … it was hard.
Christina Vogel: Yeah. It was impressive.
Leanne Vogel: Mad props.
Christina Vogel: Then chips.
Leanne Vogel: All kinds of chips.
Christina Vogel: Chicken chips.
Leanne Vogel: Okay so there’s a company called Wilde and I saw that they made chicken chips so being the awesome keto person that I am I ran up and I was like, no way! Chicken skins that are chips? She was like, no. They were really delicious.
Christina Vogel: They were really good. Still, chicken or chicken breast with like tapioca starch or something?
Leanne Vogel: I don’t recall. I remember them being tasty.
Christina Vogel: They were tasty. Okay, so the best things that I heard, well there were two best things that I heard people talking about or like saying to us. The first one was there were a bunch of ladies sitting at a table eating lunch and one of them was talking about her diet and stuff. The other chick said, “Oh, yeah, like when I’m feeling a little tired I’ll just have like a granola bar because it has grain energy and will power you through with no sugar spike.” I was like, “What is grain energy exactly?” I just … it’s just frustrating. There’s so much education that still needs to happen all over. Then the other one …
Leanne Vogel: Oh you want me to …
Christina Vogel: Yeah. Do it.
Leanne Vogel: Because this was my favorite. We go up to a booth and we’re looking at the ingredients of something and wanting to understand what’s in the product just because you should care about these things.
Christina Vogel: Yeah.
Leanne Vogel: So we said, “Oh, can we look at the back of this?” The guy said, “Don’t look at the back, just eat it.”
Christina Vogel: Who says that?
Leanne Vogel: Someone who doesn’t want you to read their ingredients because eww. They were not good.
Christina Vogel: I don’t even remember what it was-
Leanne Vogel: I don’t remember what it was but it was garbage food.
Christina Vogel: It was like a bar something and they were targeting it as like vegan and gluten free and like something … Yeah, the package was smaller and maybe it had chocolate in it or something?
Leanne Vogel: Yeah, but it was just like really? Seriously?
Christina Vogel: Really, you’re telling me not to do this? What are you ashamed of that you have to hide it?
Leanne Vogel: More on my chat with Kristina after this message from one of our podcast partners.
This show is sponsored by paleovalley. You guys know how much I love supplements. This time last year, I was taking over 50 supplements a day and it was excessive. The first step to overcoming a problem is knowing you have one in the first place, I will admit. Over the last year, I’ve toned down on my supplement intake substantially. I’m down to below 20 a day and I’m super proud of it.
One of the reasons I was comfortable letting certain supplements go is by taking a whole food based ultra-primal super nourishing Organ Complex from paleovalley. Now these guys just went out with this. I’ve actually been taking it for quite some time but couldn’t share it with you until it was live to the pubic. So this Organ Complex from paleovalley is a mega nutrient-dense super supplement. The nutrients in just one daily dose free the best multiple vitamin out there and it’s a whole food. There’s vitamins A, B-12, B-6, B-5, B-2, and 3, CoQ10, folic acid, iron, selenium, phosphorus, and zinc, copper, omega-3 fatty acids, EPA, and DHA phosphorus, and the list goes on.
The Organ Complex is a combination of beef liver, heart, brain, and kidney, all sourced from 100% grass fed and finished beef organs, which are non-GMO and never given antibiotics, steroids, hormones, or grains. The capsules are 100% pure with no fillers or flow agents, gluten, grains, soy, or dairy. You can go to paleovalley.com/hp to receive an instant 20% off your order of the new paleovalley Organ Complex. Again, that’s paleovalley.com/hp to receive your instant 20% off.
Leanne Vogel: Then we made a lot of notes of what we found super interesting at the show, or products that we thought were the coolest, or people we thought were the coolest, or brands that are up-and-coming that maybe people hadn’t heard of before. The first one, and you guys might be super familiar with Chameleon Cold Brew. We ended up hanging out with Matt.
Christina Vogel: Matt was cool.
Leanne Vogel: Matt was awesome.
Christina Vogel: Gave us like a bunch of coffee called Nitro.
Leanne Vogel: Nitro.
Christina Vogel: Not false advertising.
Leanne Vogel: Yeah. But it’s crazy, I’m really sensitive to caffeine. I cannot do caffeine, but I can drink Chameleon Cold Brew. I don’t even understand.
Christina Vogel: Yeah, you were totally normal after drinking that coffee.
Leanne Vogel: I was and I had like two sample cups so they had to have been at least three ounces.
Christina Vogel: Yeah.
Leanne Vogel: It was a good amount of coffee and I don’t know much about this Nitro because I just saw him pour it the times that he was giving it to us, but it’s like on tap.
Christina Vogel: It was really cool.
Leanne Vogel: Then it starts foaming at the top like a beer would. It was delicious.
Christina Vogel: I cannot even. I really want some right now.
Leanne Vogel: The next one was Farmhouse Culture and we went back there ten times?
Christina Vogel: Yeah probably easily ten times.
Leanne Vogel: Okay, so what were the highlights at Farmhouse Culture?
Christina Vogel: The chips.
Leanne Vogel: Yeah, sauerkraut chips.
Christina Vogel: Yeah.
Leanne Vogel: Sauerkraut chips. Look it up.
Christina Vogel: Yes, delicious fermented chips for your belly. Everyone should be eating them.
Leanne Vogel: There were Gut Shots.
Christina Vogel: Gut Shots were good.
Leanne Vogel: Tim gave us an entire bottle of Gut Shot to take with us and we ended up almost finishing it before we got on our flight the next day. It was like beet … so basically I think with our Gut Shots it’s like the juice you get from sauerkraut, but just made into an actual bottle of just juice. That was a highlight. Then what else? They had those tonics, I don’t totally remember what they were called. The tonics-
Christina Vogel: Oh, yeah.
Leanne Vogel: It was like a peach one and there was vinegar in it.
Christina Vogel: There were six flavors, I remember it being six flavors.
Leanne Vogel: Yeah and they were all good.
Christina Vogel: We tried all of them because we were there ten times.
Leanne Vogel: Yeah.
Christina Vogel: Equally delicious across the board.
Leanne Vogel: I would say that those would be, like the tonics would be really great, instead of a Kombucha or if you’re sensitive like I am to the strains of different Kombucha. My throat and stuff didn’t react to the tonics at all. That was a bonus.
Christina Vogel: Bonus round.
Leanne Vogel: Then Vital Proteins, I learned that they’re not at Whole Foods. I didn’t know that, so that was a highlight.
Christina Vogel: That’s huge.
Leanne Vogel: Then the bone broth protein, like the powder bone broth that was cool. The beauty waters, what was your favorite?
Christina Vogel: Beauty greens was also a thing.
Leanne Vogel: Oh it was the veggie blend. We had the veggie blend.
Christina Vogel: Did we? I trust you.
Leanne Vogel: I don’t know, there were so many-
Christina Vogel: There were vegetables in it, it was green.
Leanne Vogel: Yeah the veggie blend because the beauty greens has wheatgrass in it.
Christina Vogel: Oh, so we did not have that.
Leanne Vogel: No, we didn’t have that, but it looks really green.
Christina Vogel: Its a new thing they have.
Leanne Vogel: Then which is your favorite beauty water?
Christina Vogel: The one I have, the lavender. It’s lavender and lemon. It’s really delicious.
Leanne Vogel: The lavender lemon is definitely my favorite. I really like the melon one too.
Christina Vogel: Oh the melon mint I think it is.
Leanne Vogel: Yeah.
Christina Vogel: That one is good too.
Leanne Vogel: I don’t totally love the cucumber, I feel like it tastes too cucumber-y.
Christina Vogel: I feel like they were going for like spa water though so I think it makes sense.
Leanne Vogel: Totally, yeah.
Christina Vogel: Because you go into spas and they’ve got fruit and stuff floating in the water.
Leanne Vogel: Yeah.
Christina Vogel: This is just better because a) collagen and b) you don’t have weird fruits in your water.
Leanne Vogel: Yeah, weird fruits, and then you don’t know like, did they wash those fruits because pesticides?
Christina Vogel: Just thinking that, the skin is still on the cucumber people, there is no way you washed that.
Leanne Vogel: Yeah, it’s gross. I’ve actually been eating a lot of that stuff and it’s just a nice way of adding collagen in a way that you don’t have to add it to coffee. Because I feel like you cannot really add, especially on a keto diet, you cannot really add collagen to anything but coffee or water. There are no real options, and I haven’t actually tried adding the beauty water to bubbly water to see what would happen.
Christina Vogel: My face just got really excited.
Leanne Vogel: That would be really good actually.
Christina Vogel: Someone who is listening to this podcast who has a Soda Stream should acquire the Vital Proteins beauty water, put it in there and let us know. Because if it works I’m a go buy a Soda Stream.
Leanne Vogel: Yeah. You can borrow mine, I never use mine.
Christina Vogel: It’ll be at my desk is where-
Leanne Vogel: Because it makes my skin bad.
Christina Vogel: Can you bring it next sister day because I’ll go ahead and take that off your hands.
Leanne Vogel: Yes. Done. The next one was LAKANTO, Monk fruit sweetener.
Christina Vogel: They were so cool.
Leanne Vogel: Yeah, they were so cool. I wasn’t expecting, I think you saw the word keto on their booth and pulled me forward.
Christina Vogel: Yeah, because it’s so rare. I don’t … Barely any times did we see-
Leanne Vogel: We saw three keto words. LAKANTO, the pilli nuts from Hunter Gatherer foods and Quest Nutrition, bleh. Sorry, excuse me, I had something in my throat. LAKANTO had a protein pancake mix where they were talking about it, I’m like, “no I cannot have that, I cannot have whey.” They were like, “there’s no whey in it.” It’s like what do you mean there’s no whey in your pancakes?
Christina Vogel: No way.
Leanne Vogel: No way. It has monk fruit, cocoa powder, vegetable fiber, potassium chloride, probiotics, guar gum, and algae flour. It’s so good.
Christina Vogel: It didn’t hurt my tummy.
Leanne Vogel: I was worried about the guar gum but I ate a lot of those.
Christina Vogel: I had at least the equivalent of about 12 waffles.
Leanne Vogel: So Kristina was like, we were talking to people at the booth and she was holding all of our cups, which had the eaten waffles that had the monk fruit syrup that tastes like maple syrup, some of the Nutella that’s not actually Nutella because its made from sunflower seeds, and all of those things were good. Then all the syrup was at the bottom and Kristina got so excited she poured the syrup all over her bag.
Christina Vogel: Hey, happy accident. Totally cool with it.
Leanne Vogel: Did you try the chocolate?
Christina Vogel: And then I ate another waffle. Yes, I tried everything.
Leanne Vogel: The chocolate squares?
Christina Vogel: Delicious.
Leanne Vogel: Oh my gosh, I came home and I ate a whole bar in one sitting and then … they are so light like you get the chocolate taste but it’s not like heavy chocolate.
Christina Vogel: Yeah and you don’t feel like sugared, I didn’t feel sugared-out at all. You know when you eat an entire jar of Nutella, whoops, who hasn’t done it? Who hasn’t? Then you just feel like hot garbage, and I ate a bunch of those waffles, a bunch of the chocolate and a bunch of the sauce and I felt great.
Leanne Vogel: Yeah I did not feel bad at all.
Christina Vogel: Because keto.
Leanne Vogel: Yeah.
Christina Vogel: Just saying. Why aren’t more people doing this?
Leanne Vogel: I don’t know. Well, all the people listening probably are, so thanks guys.
Christina Vogel: You guys are good and you’re awesome.
Leanne Vogel: Yeah I really, really liked their maple flavored monk fruit sweetener. I’ve been using that in my coffees in the morning and it’s so good.
Christina Vogel: Oh that would be good.
Leanne Vogel: It’s really good. Then their chocolate’s really good. But it did affect my adrenals, like I noticed I had a hard time sleeping the night that I ate the chocolate. Probably shouldn’t eat chocolate at night but that’s like really the only time to eat chocolate.
Christina Vogel: Really.
Leanne Vogel: Like, if you’re being honest.
Christina Vogel: Yeah. Or you could go along the theory of any time is a good time to eat chocolate.
Leanne Vogel: Yeah but-
Christina Vogel: There are two kinds of people in the world.
Leanne Vogel: Don’t you find that you like chocolate more in the evening? Like you just crave chocolate in the evening?
Christina Vogel: No, I just want to eat it all the time.
Leanne Vogel: Oh, okay.
Christina Vogel: See? Two different types of people.
Leanne Vogel: Amazing. Sisters. Then the next one was Purple Frog and they’re actually a company out of Calgary-
Christina Vogel: Which we were so happy about.
Leanne Vogel: We were so happy about it. They make these little essential oil dots. They’re like little felt sticky dots.
Christina Vogel: So you can stick them on your person. And you crack them.
Leanne Vogel: Then they break open – like the little essential oil pod breaks open – and then you have essential oils in this little felt stick. I was wearing them at Universal and they lasted for about four hours.
Christina Vogel: Keep in mind, that’s like 30 degree weather, Jurassic Park ride, so very wet.
Leanne Vogel: Yeah I did the Jurassic Park ride and the Mummy ride and all of Harry Potter world like-
Christina Vogel: Twice. Sorry.
Leanne Vogel: That’s okay. Then they have car fresheners and I have one in my car right now.
Christina Vogel: Me too.
Leanne Vogel: Its pretty good. Oh, you put it in yours?
Christina Vogel: I like it. I think I got lemon grass.
Leanne Vogel: I did too. It’s fresh and nice.
Christina Vogel: Of course, sisters. So yum.
Leanne Vogel: Can I just say, these lunch bags guys. They are so great and they are huge.
Christina Vogel: And you can wash them. In a washing machine.
Leanne Vogel: How do you find, like does it keep your stuff pretty cold or… ?
Christina Vogel: I have a fridge at work so honestly I don’t know. But probably. It’s like double insulated, so if you put a little cold pack in there, I’m confident that it would be totally fine.
Leanne Vogel: I really like the designs. If you go to, I think it’s soyoung.ca. I wanted to make this podcast legit and just go off most of our memories, but if you go there and you check out their kits, they kind of look small, but they’re huge. They hold a lot of stuff.
Christina Vogel: Yeah, they really do. I can fit my entire lunch in there no problem and I don’t eat lightly.
Leanne Vogel: No, Kristina eats lots like I do. Maybe even more. Would you say you eat more than me?
Christina Vogel: We should measure it. Let’s measure it next time. Next sister day, Thursday.
Leanne Vogel: Well, on sister days I normally eat more than you. But you also snack, you’re a snacker.
Christina Vogel: This is true. Girl’s gotta have snacks.
Leanne Vogel: She like snacks and I like big meals that fill me up.
Christina Vogel: You’re like a two person … two meal a day person.
Leanne Vogel: Two person a meal.
Christina Vogel: I apologize for that unfortunate mishap.
Leanne Vogel: The next one was Suja. They just came out with drinking vinegars. I really like, if you guys have seen Suja juices, you’re probably like, “Oh my god, juice, not keto.” They have some really good, low-sugar, Stevia-sweetened juice type of things that are drinking vinegars. They have coconut vinegar or apple cider vinegar, they have a couple of different options. They are actually going to be coming on the book tour and they are going to be sending a bunch of their product to my separate hotels so that I can drink awesome vinegar on the move. I’m pretty excited about it.
Christina Vogel: Yeah it was really good.
Leanne Vogel: Then there was, okay so there were two electrolyte companies. The first one I don’t remember how to pronounce it, Nuun?
Christina Vogel: Nuun I think it’s Nuun.
Leanne Vogel: N-U-U-N. Then the next on was Ultima. Nuun is electrolyte tabs and the reason I was really excited is cause keto and electrolytes, especially when you first get going can be really important. So Nuun, they include dextrose in their tabs because they say that it helps with the uptake of electrolytes. I don’t know, I’m not sure. I haven’t looked at the research on that. Logically, I don’t know. I don’t want to say anything about whether or not I think it would work or not. I know that in a ketogenic state you can uptake electrolytes just fine and you’re not glucose-fueled. So if anyone knows whether or not that’s a thing, totally e-mail me and let me know. Then the next one was Ultima and their electrolyte powder comes in single serve packs now, I think as of July of 2016. Then they got rid of maltodextrin.
Christina Vogel: Yay.
Leanne Vogel: So if you are like me and you haven’t been using Ultima lately because of the maltodextrin, it doesn’t have it anymore.
Christina Vogel: Win, win.
Leanne Vogel: Then there was Cocomels.
Christina Vogel: Aww Cocomels.
Leanne Vogel: Which is not keto at all.
Christina Vogel: I ate them all.
Leanne Vogel: Not even keto, but if you are dairy-free and you want a treat and you really love delicious food and chocolate together.
Christina Vogel: I dare someone to eat a Cocomel and not love it.
Leanne Vogel: Yeah, they’re good and they’re just good. If you like caramels and you’re dairy-free and you like coconut too, I highly recommend checking it out. Not keto, but great for a carb-up or just enjoying some caramels with your kids or a friend or your sister or your brother or by yourself. Who cares? Brami, do you remember?
Christina Vogel: Brami, they had all the Trojan people running around. With the hats.
Leanne Vogel: Totally. All the guys … everyone working at the booth was really cute. Just adorable. The thing with Brami, which I really loved and totally keto friendly, was that they are a zero net carb snack, however they are made from beans. So if you’re sensitive to beans or peanuts, because they are in the same family as peanuts, you might not want to give it a try. Neither of us ate it, so we cannot tell you if they are good or not, but I love that it was a zero net carb snack. If you can do beans, if you’re vegan, amazing stuff for the low carb community.
The next one was the chicken chips we were talking about. They were a little bit higher in carbs. They’re from a company called Wilde with an “e”, they were a little bit higher in carbs but I like the concept, and I guess why I wanted to put it in today’s show was that it would be really cool if a company came out with chicken chips that were actually chicken skins.
Christina Vogel: Everyone would buy those because crispy chicken skin is where it’s at.
Leanne Vogel: It’s so good. Then actually, I met Jicachips-
Christina Vogel: Jica.
Leanne Vogel: Jicachips.
Christina Vogel: Chips.
Leanne Vogel: Jicachips last year and they’re made from jicama. They’re good.
Christina Vogel: Jicachips, yucachips.
Leanne Vogel: No, yuca is a starch. Yuca is the same as like casaba so that’s like too much carbs. But jicama is lower car- you’ve had jicama right?
Christina Vogel: I’ve had jicachips.
Leanne Vogel: Oh, jicama looks like a big acorn and it’s pale. You can get it at the superstore.
Christina Vogel: Oh, okay.
Leanne Vogel: You just peel it. I actually was introduced to jicama when I went to Vegas a couple of years ago. When Kevin and I got engaged actually and-
Christina Vogel: Cute, I know.
Leanne Vogel: A company called Greens and Proteins, a restaurant there. I think it’s off the strip, it must be, because I don’t enjoy going on the strip. But they had, instead of potato fries, they had jicama fries and they were just raw jicama sprinkled with paprika, which is the best way to enjoy them. Jicachips are really great because they’re just baked jicama with sea salt. You can get all different types of flavors but I’m a purest, I like it just the way it is. So really good, lower carb snack, super crunchy so you get that crunch without the carbs. Nature’s Hollow, do you remember?
Christina Vogel: Oh yeah, the jams and the sauces.
Leanne Vogel: Did you eat your samples already?
Christina Vogel: Yeah.
Leanne Vogel: So these are xylitol sweetened jams with the sugar alcohols removed because you can remove that from the total carb count. It ended up being one or two grams of carbs for the jam.
Christina Vogel: Yeah I ate them all.
Leanne Vogel: I mixed them into my yogurt and then I couldn’t taste it as much so then I was just eating it out of the jar.
Christina Vogel: I’ve been keeping mine, I mean these are tiny jars, like fit for a child. But we got about 12 of them.
Leanne Vogel: Then they had xylitol sweetened ketchup and barbecue sauce. I think they had marinades as well.
Christina Vogel: I think it was a honey dijon maybe. I feel like there was a honey dijon.
Leanne Vogel: It was all keto friendly, awesome ingredients. I wasn’t expecting it. Their booth looked a little empty you know?
Christina Vogel: Yeah but then we stopped.
Leanne Vogel: I’m so happy we stopped.
Christina Vogel: Me too because they were really cool to talk to as well.
Leanne Vogel: Definitely awesome. Then Wild Tonic, so that was the honey sweetened kombucha. What I really liked about them is it was a really smooth taste.
Christina Vogel: There was no bitter after taste. You know when you drink kombucha and you know you feel like that vinegar taste in your mouth? I didn’t get that with the honey sweetened one.
Leanne Vogel: No, I mean for kombuchas it had the same nutrition profile as regular kombucha and I actually asked her, “Why honey? What’s the deal with that?” It enhanced the flavor a lot, but so much of the sugar is eaten up so you get all the benefits of honey, but you don’t have the sugar of honey. I think that that was a really great idea and I love the smoothness of it, Wild Tonic. I think they said that they were selling in California mostly. Do you remember?
Christina Vogel: Yeah, yeah.
Leanne Vogel: She said something like California area and growing, so I would check a Whole Foods and see if they carry it. Then our feet hurt so much.
Christina Vogel: Oh my gosh, so much.
Leanne Vogel: By the time-
Christina Vogel: I think my feet were bleeding at one point.
Leanne Vogel: Definitely, I mean the show is 1.2 … what do they do in the US? How do they measure?
Christina Vogel: I don’t know.
Leanne Vogel: Square feet. 1.2 million square feet.
Christina Vogel: That’s how we do it in Canada.
Leanne Vogel: Yeah but we do square meters.
Christina Vogel: No we don’t.
Leanne Vogel: I do.
Christina Vogel: When you buy a house it’s square feet. Is it not? Am I wrong?
Leanne Vogel: You’re right. No you’re right. Okay. Fair enough.
Christina Vogel: Sorry. Sorry not sorry. Its feet not meters.
Leanne Vogel: It’s 1.2 million square feet so no wonder our feet were brutal. But when we stopped by Artesana they introduced us to a couple of new things that are coming down the pipe. I don’t even know if I am supposed to share this with you, but I’m going to. It was a coconut macadamia nut butter. It was delicious. It was a keto dream. It was so smooth and creamy but thick and fatty.
Christina Vogel: Thick and fatty.
Leanne Vogel: That’s hopefully coming soon. I was like, “John, now. You need to launch it now.”
Christina Vogel: People will love this.
Leanne Vogel: Then Smashmallow, which totally was not keto at all.
Christina Vogel: At all. But no corn syrup.
Leanne Vogel: They are a snacking marshmallows with all different flavors, all natural colors, flavors, everything and they are made with … what sugar was it? Cane sugar?
Christina Vogel: I honestly don’t know but I ate a lot of them.
Leanne Vogel: Dude, so if you are looking for marshmallows, even for your kids, if they are looking for some sort of treat that’s not loaded with corn garbage, then Smashmallow. Then, oh totally keto awesome, really sweet-
Christina Vogel: Aw Sarah, love her.
Leanne Vogel: Yeah it is totally cool to go to these shows and see the people behind the brands that are just hustling and Sarah’s one of those people. She offered to send a ton of Stevia sweetened packages of chocolate to each of our book tour events. In the US I’ll have a ton of bars to give away to a lot of people at the tour. I’m really excited about that because I love their product, I love what they stand for. It’s delicious stuff, now they have a baking bar, they have baking chips, they’re all Stevia sweetened.
Christina Vogel: I totally just ate that, I did not bake with it.
Leanne Vogel: No, why would you?
More on my chat with Christina after this message from one of our podcast partners.
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Leanne Vogel: You know what’s really good? Is taking the Lily’s Sweets baking bar and putting the coconut butter on top. Then if you can do ghee, putting some ghee on top of that and the combination of those three things, with a little bit of salt, I mean-
Christina Vogel: Bacon would probably be good with them. I put bacon on everything though.
Leanne Vogel: I made-
Christina Vogel: Did you make some- I think it’s a thing you made?
Leanne Vogel: Yeah, I made a bacon bar with hemp. It’s coming out, it might have come out already, I don’t know, I never know what I make and when it’s coming out, but a bacon bar with Lily’s Chocolate and bacon and hemp and it was good. Frontier Snacks-
Christina Vogel: Yeah I liked them. I liked their treats, the coconut things.
Leanne Vogel: They were like compressed coconut bites, and they do have coconut sugar in them, and I wanted to put this in here because moms are always asking me, “what do I feed my kids?” They’re not totally keto, but I don’t want them to have sugary garbage and Frontier Snacks makes this compressed coconut bites that are a little bit of coconut syrup, just to hold it together. I was really impressed with the carb count. I think total net carbs was five grams for a serving, and a serving was like six bites.
Christina Vogel: That’s crazy.
Leanne Vogel: Maybe eight bites, but I was impressed. I was like, this isn’t totally keto or anything but I know that parents are trying to look for better options for their children that are kind of keto. At least way lower in carbs than the grain energy from a granola bar.
Christina Vogel: Oh my god, that lady.
Leanne Vogel: She needed a little healthful Kristina in her life.
Christina Vogel: You should have given her a card.
Leanne Vogel: I should have but I was busy eating.
Christina Vogel: Can I just give you some unsolicited advice ma’am?
Leanne Vogel: Here you go. Nuco was probably my favorite product that I ate at the show.
Christina Vogel: Also the best people, lets be honest.
Leanne Vogel: Nuco makes coconut wraps, coconut vinegars, coconut oil, they just came out with a vegan coconut oil mayo. They were introducing some of their coconut wrap chips, so they are the wraps but made crunchy. Then their cereal.
Christina Vogel: Oh their cereal.
Leanne Vogel: Totally keto, totally low carb, totally natural, totally amazing.
Christina Vogel: Its like Cinnamon Toast Crunch, but not terrible for you. Honestly, it’s so good.
Leanne Vogel: It sounds like they’ll be coming out with a cereal pretty soon, check their website, Nucoconut. When they come out with their cereal, they’ll be sending me a box, hopefully, because I would li-
Christina Vogel: Hint.
Leanne Vogel: Hint, hint. If you’re listening. Then I can share with you guys because it was so good. Their wraps are so great. When we got home I made a bunch of meat with vegetables. Then if you don’t just want meat and vegetables on a plate it’s good to just put it in a wrap.
Christina Vogel: Yeah, wrap it up.
Leanne Vogel: Wrap it up.
Christina Vogel: Like a burrito.
Leanne Vogel: Totally not related to food, but I wanted to include these guys. Greenlid and they are a Toronto-based company, which we actually met a lot of awesome Canadians. Represent. They make a compostable bucket for your compost items in your kitchen. You put it under your sink and you use it a bunch of times, empty it into your compost bin, like your community compost bin or whatever you have. You keep using it until you throw out the actual bucket.
Christina Vogel: It was awesome. They gave us one and I got to carry it around for the rest of the Expo and it was kind of really free advertising for them. Pretty much everyone else we saw that day was like, “Hey what’s that bucket, what do you have there?”
Leanne Vogel: Yeah totally.
Christina Vogel: “Let me tell you. It’s this compost bucket that’s really great and then everything that Leanne just said.”
Leanne Vogel: So if you’re listening, we just made you a bunch of sales by walking around the Expo and telling everyone about you. Then Safecat, they test all of their tuna to make it 100% free from mercury. So safe that a pregnant lady could eat it.
Christina Vogel: That’s a big deal.
Leanne Vogel: They had a bunch of flavors. Again, purest, I went for just-
Christina Vogel: You went straight for… was there even salt on that or was it straight tuna?
Leanne Vogel: I don’t know. Here, I have one in my bag, I’ll find it.
Christina Vogel: It’s great for snacks. Oh, you found it. That was really quick.
Leanne Vogel: I have a pouch, they gave me a pouch. I haven’t eaten it yet because I’m saving it for when I’m like really hungry. It says, “lowest mercury of any brand, great for athletes, kids and pregnant women. Non-GMO project certified. 21 grams of protein.”
Christina Vogel: That’s a lot. That’s awesome.
Leanne Vogel: This is the only product I kept, what does that say?
Christina Vogel: Good point.
Leanne Vogel: Interesting, this is the only one I have on me right now. Ingredients: skip jack tuna, refrigerate after opening. It’s in this great little package. I’m a big fan, this is so great. I’m just saving this, I don’t want to save it until it expires. When does it expire? Okay, I got like a year, so we’re good.
Christina Vogel: As long as you don’t lose it in your car, you’re probably fine.
Leanne Vogel: That does happen a lot to me.
Christina Vogel: That would suck. I know that’s why I’m telling you, don’t lose it in your car.
Leanne Vogel: The last one was Doctor in the Kitchen and they had flax crackers. They weren’t like Mary’s crackers that are ground up with a bunch of other grains, this was just flax.
Christina Vogel: They’re good.
Leanne Vogel: They were really good.
Christina Vogel: I liked them.
Leanne Vogel: They are available everywhere. Do you remember that map they had that showed us-
Christina Vogel: Yeah, it was a map, I don’t even know why she didn’t just, “Hey we’re available everywhere.” The map was just a bunch of dots.
Leanne Vogel: Yeah, just dots with logos of stores. If you’re looking for store-bought flax crackers that you don’t have to make … I guess it’s store bought so you wouldn’t make it … oh my gosh. It doesn’t have any other grains because I know that Mary’s has quinoa in it.
Christina Vogel: I think it has quinoa. I think you’re right.
Leanne Vogel: I had one the other day and I was like, “what was I thinking?”
Christina Vogel: But they’re so good.
Leanne Vogel: They’re so good, but these were pretty good.
Christina Vogel: Totally. I really like the Doctor in the Kitchen ones. I think it’s a good alternative for people.
Leanne Vogel: Those are the things we found. Overall, still it will be interesting to see how the show does next year. I was a little bit, I wouldn’t say disappointed, but there is still a lot of sugary-sugar garbage and the fact that it can make it onto the floor called the Natural Products Expo. That’s a part that’s always been a challenge, but I think the main places to really look for the good stuff is always the basement or the hot products and up-and-coming things. That’s where we saw a lot of these interesting brands. These smaller companies who cannot afford to have these huge, huge booths yet, they’re making really amazing products. That makes me hopeful that things are changing. But there was still a lot of not so great, I wouldn’t even eat it.
Christina Vogel: No even if you weren’t keto I don’t think you would eat it.
Leanne Vogel: No. But I think we found some really good things like the Gut Shots, they are really cool. Nuco stuff, always really awesome. That was our show this year.
Christina Vogel: It was fun and awesome.
Leanne Vogel: Great. We went to Disney, went to Universal. I was sick.
Christina Vogel: Did some Harry Potter stuff.
Leanne Vogel: Oh yeah, did the wand stuff. We’re all pretty good. We hope that that was helpful for you guys and that you maybe found some products you didn’t know about and things to look for in the up-and-coming months. It’s like we said, some of these products aren’t on the shelves yet, a lot of them will be because this show is coming out on April 9th. A lot of these people were launching in the April time-frame, so watch out for them at Whole Foods or wherever you shop for these products and I will be sharing them too, if the companies are sending me some stuff. I’ll be sharing on Instagram so make sure you follow me, healthfulpursuit. The show notes and full transcript for today’s episode can be found at healthfulpursuit.com/podcast/e28. We will see you guys next week. Thanks for coming on the show Kristina.
Christina Vogel: You’re welcome. It was so much fun.
Leanne Vogel: You did the best.
Christina Vogel: We did the best.
Leanne Vogel: We did the best. Maybe one time Kristina will come back on the show and hang out with us more.
Christina Vogel: That’d be great.
Leanne Vogel: Sure, let’s do it.
Christina Vogel: I’d be more than happy to do that.
Leanne Vogel: You’ve heard it here first. Bye.
Christina Vogel: Bye.
Leanne Vogel: That does it for another episode of The Keto Diet podcast. Thanks for listening in. You can follow me on Instagram by searching healthful pursuit where you will find daily keto eats and other fun things. Check out all of my keto supportive programs, bundles, guides, and other cool things over at healthfulpursuit.com/shop and I’ll see you next Sunday. Bye.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
This entry was tagged: carb up, carb ups, eating high-fat, eating keto, eating low-carb, fat-adapted, how eat keto, keto basics, keto diet, keto for women, keto life, ketogenic diet, ketogenic for women, ketosis, low-carb paleo, what is keto
Hi! I'm Leanne (RHN FBCS)
a Functional Medicine Practitioner, host of the Healthful Pursuit Podcast, and best-selling author of The Keto Diet & Keto for Women. I want to live in a world where every woman has access to knowledge to better her health.