Category: Journey

The Last Chapter

The Last Chapter

This is a highly personal topic that I wasn’t too sure I wanted to share. But I know that there are so many women out there struggling with the consequences of past eating disorders so I have decided to bare it all and share my journey. If you, or someone you know, has, is or…

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Closing A Chapter Gracefully (even after a rough ride)

Closing A Chapter Gracefully (even after a rough ride)

The last 12 months for Kevin and I have been sprinkled with many emotional, spiritual and financial challenges. Quitting careers, loosing grandparents, changing dreams, mega work travel, cross-country moves, budgetary constraints… the list goes on. Positive or negative, difficult or easy, one thing remained the same through it all…

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Living Responsibly: Committing To Happiness

Living Responsibly: Committing To Happiness

Imagine this – You have the life that you’ve always dreamed of. The dream job, in the dream city, with the dream family and the dream car, with the dream backyard and the dream friends. Everything is exactly how you planned it out to be. But something’s missing.

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Limitless Potential Everywhere

Limitless Potential Everywhere

Everyone on this planet; every last one of us, has something special to give one another. The bank teller, your best friend, the gas station attendant, your boss, your brother, the person ahead of you in the grocery line, the kid opposite you on the train, your mom, your sister, that person in accounting that…

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My Road to Health and the One Thing that Saved Me

My Road to Health and the One Thing that Saved Me

There was a time in my life where I didn’t care for my body. Where I didn’t eat the foods that I knew were good for me. When I let my cravings and emotions control what and when I ate. When I didn’t have time to create a healthy life for myself. I was a…

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Running Toward Pleasure

Running Toward Pleasure

My commitment to creating goals with soul this month is transforming my life and my business. I’ve traded in my dream board for a small sticky note with three incredibly powerful words on it (my core desired feelings) to keep me focused on how I want to feel every moment of every day. I’ve started…

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Creating Goals with Soul

Creating Goals with Soul

365 days ago today, I was on a plane heading home from India with a heart full of radical ways I was going to change my life, ditch the extra baggage, and get real with myself. Joy, bliss, freedom… they were all high on my list. And, to celebrate, I’m going on a little journey…

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What Your Heart is Telling You (and how to act on it)

What Your Heart is Telling You (and how to act on it)

Why am I here? What am I meant to be doing? What gift have I been given to share with the world? Although these are some massively scary questions, we owe it to ourselves to live the life we were born to live and I truly believe that our hearts know what that truth is….

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Love What You Do

Love What You Do

I’m so happy that Dawn from Passport to Prana reached out to me and got me connected to the yoga community here in Montreal. Getting back to my practice feels so right during this time of transition. And, in it all, I’ve gotten a chance to meet quite the inspirational lady! Today, Dawn shares her…

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Bonjour Montréal: Our First Day

Bonjour Montréal: Our First Day

The last moments that we spent with my family were the hardest. I cried, and smiled, laughed, and cried again. It was quite the emotional roller coaster. Instead of keeping strong and pushing myself through this change, I’ve been letting myself feel everything. When I’m sad, I cry. When I’m happy, I smile. Better to…

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