Category: Journey

On the Move

On the Move

It’s all fun and games until a gigantic moving truck shows up at your house, spends all day loading up your belongings and heads out into the sunset. Huh, I guess we’re actually doing this. I woke up at 5am on Tuesday morning (the day of the big move) so that I could spend a…

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Our New Life

Our New Life

We’re about as ready as we’ll ever be for the next big change in our life – a move across the country to Montreal… today. If you feel that this has come on quite suddenly, you’d be right. Kevin and I made the decision about 1.5 months ago and it’s been a whirlwind of craziness…

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Be True to You

Be True to You

I can just about guarantee that when I get together with my Mom, she’s going to bring me a box of things from my childhood. From baby clothes to kindergarten crafts, I’ve seen it all. I don’t know where she gets all the stuff, it just keeps coming! I’ve never been much of a sentimental…

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Releasing my Emotional Connection to Food

Releasing my Emotional Connection to Food

I knew that ashram living wasn’t going to be easy for me. Out of everything I expected to experience during the course of my trip – the meditation, curriculum, 4-5 hour yoga classes, traveling through a foreign country alone, it was the two meal a day schedule that shook me up the most. Being limited…

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Welcoming My 26th Year

Welcoming My 26th Year

Kevin and I headed out to the mountains yesterday morning for a hike and lunch at our favorite restaurant in Canmore to officially celebrate my birthday. We were supposed to go out for a wine tasting and visit to the new Science Center in Calgary on my actual birthday this week, but Kevin ended up…

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Cardamom Vanilla Porridge + Exciting News!

Cardamom Vanilla Porridge + Exciting News!

We’ve been experiencing dreadfully cold mornings with rain, snow and lots of wind. Chilly mornings don’t exactly put me in the mood for a cold smoothie for breakfast, but they’re guaranteed to bring on a craving for a bowl of warm and nourishing porridge! I could have gone for the obvious oat-based porridge, but I…

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Accepting my Body and Owning my Attitude

Accepting my Body and Owning my Attitude

I did upwards of 5 hours of yoga a day while I was in India so I was was surprised to discover just how much strength I’d lost when I got back home. I’m sure it was a combination of not getting enough food at the ashram and then happily enjoying endless servings of fried…

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Living Open, Connected and Vulnerable

Living Open, Connected and Vulnerable

To read more on the living series; a selection of lessons I learned in India, be sure to check out living every moment, and living fearless. The ability to feel connected is coded in us on a neurological level. It’s what gives us purpose, meaning and ultimately the reason why we’re all here. Knowing this…

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Living Fearless

Living Fearless

To read more on the living series; a selection of lessons I learned in India, be sure to check out living every moment, and living open, connected and vulnerable. I’m baaaack! It took me 2 full days to get home but thanks to the wonderful powers of my homeopathic jet lag pills I’m up early…

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Living Every Moment

Living Every Moment

To read more on the living series; a selection of lessons I learned in India, be sure to check out living fearless, and living open, connected and vulnerable. So much has changed over the last couple of days. I feel so at home here, I really don’t want to go. It’s hard to believe I’ve only…

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