I want...
November 23, 2012 By
Leanne Vogel
December 13, 2018
Food for your soul – it makes you feel whole, balanced and full of life. You know when you’ve had a soul-nourishing meal when you get high on life, exude confidence, and are ready to take on anything that comes your way.
This feeling is not to be confused with the rush you get when you dig your teeth into a cheeseburger, or the sense of calm that comes over you after you’ve indulged in the bar of chocolate you craved all morning. These are quick fixes, a dance we play with the emotional connection we’ve developed with the foods that surround us. Emotional connection to food can rear its ugly head in many ways. Are you reliant on food as a means to keep you from boredom, does the act of eating drown your unhappiness, or do you often find yourself worrying non-stop about whether or not the event you’re going to will have healthy options?
Keto shopping lists, recipes, and more! Start keto with this FREE 5-step guide.
I'm ready!Unlike the surges we feel when we indulge in our emotional connection with food, nourishing your soul with the nutrients it needs grounds you and sets your body and mind up to receive far more good in your life.
I’m on day 23 of the Moksha Yoga NDG 30 day yoga challenge and this week was all about cultivating balance in my soul through my food choices. I continue to remind myself that happiness, contentment and fulfillment can come from other areas in my life that do not involve food. I have been in touch with my intuition to guide me to the foods that will benefit me the most and help me to know when to stop what I’m eating when I’m full.
Keeping the emotional connection I have with food at the forefront of my mind this week has really allowed me to cultivate space in my routine for balanced, soul-nourishing meals and practices.All it takes is a bit of mindfulness and we can all benefit from knowing exactly what we should be eating… the base for any food for the soul practice!
Tweet it out: You have the innate knowledge to know what’s good for your body… you just have to listen. – @be_healthful
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For those of you who do not have a spiralizer, bean sprouts work really well as grain-free noodles. These little guys are also full of energy and nutritive principles. Unlike ripe vegetables, whose nutrition values naturally degrade after they’ve been harvested, bean sprouts retain their nutritional properties until consumed. Their little powerhouses of awesomeness.
I chose to make another double batch of my homemade curry powder for this recipe. This stuff never disappoints… and added to a creamy sauce just ups the food for the soul factor.
This bowl of goodness is nourishing to the very last forkful.
Tell me, what foods do you know are good for your soul? How can you incorporate them into your life on a daily basis?
This entry was tagged: curry, luscious bowl
Hi! I'm Leanne (RHN FBCS)
a Functional Medicine Practitioner, host of the Healthful Pursuit Podcast, and best-selling author of The Keto Diet & Keto for Women. I want to live in a world where every woman has access to knowledge to better her health.