Tag: desire map

How To Bring Clarity To Chaos

How To Bring Clarity To Chaos

When we are faced with a situation, we often allow it to become the determiner of the outcome. We fixate on mapping out every possible outcome, breaking up the situation into bite-sized pieces to determine a way out. The situation takes control over us. There are no clear thoughts, assumptions are made, negativity overwhelms us…

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15 Things You Can Expect In 2014

15 Things You Can Expect In 2014

Hey beautiful! Lofty goals and I just don’t jive… I suck at resolutions. Instead, I see everyday as an opportunity to get closer to myself – January 1st, June 24th, and beyond. This year I am publicly declaring my intentions, chasing after a feeling, not a goal. (Read THIS if want to flip goal setting…

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Living Responsibly: Committing To Happiness

Living Responsibly: Committing To Happiness

Imagine this – You have the life that you’ve always dreamed of. The dream job, in the dream city, with the dream family and the dream car, with the dream backyard and the dream friends. Everything is exactly how you planned it out to be. But something’s missing.

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Running Toward Pleasure

Running Toward Pleasure

My commitment to creating goals with soul this month is transforming my life and my business. I’ve traded in my dream board for a small sticky note with three incredibly powerful words on it (my core desired feelings) to keep me focused on how I want to feel every moment of every day. I’ve started…

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Creating Goals with Soul

Creating Goals with Soul

365 days ago today, I was on a plane heading home from India with a heart full of radical ways I was going to change my life, ditch the extra baggage, and get real with myself. Joy, bliss, freedom… they were all high on my list. And, to celebrate, I’m going on a little journey…

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