Monster Mashed Potatoes

Monster Mashed Potatoes

Why the purple potatoes? Not only do they have all the health benefits of potatoes (high alkalinity, high in fiber, iron, satiating), they’re jam packed with flavanoids. Flavanoids: Support the health of our blood vessels Improve motor skills Play a role in cancer prevention Prevent bacteria from sticking to the walls of the urinary tract…

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Nut Chatter

Nut Chatter

Nuts are one of nature’s richest foods. Like seeds, nuts are bundles of proteins, fatty acids, and many vitamins and minerals. But I’m often met with mixed emotions when I suggest that a client begin to add nuts into their daily routine. There are many beliefs out there that nuts are unhealthy, too high in…

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Nutrient Deficiencies with Birth Control

Nutrient Deficiencies with Birth Control

Birth control pills are the most effective and the most hazardous form of contraception. Although they’re a 99% effective form of birth control, they also come with many possible side effects. Experiencing weight gain, breast tenderness, mood swings, tension, depression, circulatory, and gastrointestinal upset are not uncommon. Blood clots, liver and gallbladder problems and cancer…

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Lemon Blueberry Muffins

Lemon Blueberry Muffins

Baking is an extremely new thing to me. Generally I stick to treats like macaroons or protein bars but I’ve become curious about the world of gluten free flours, so I’ve started experimenting. Last week I wrote about my almond flour experience and how happy I was to have found a gluten free flour that…

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Cacao Macaroons

Cacao Macaroons

On Tuesday night I treated myself to a raw chocolate making class at the Light Cellar in Bowness, Calgary. When signing up for the class I was told I’d be eating loads of chocolate and if you know me you know I love my chocolate, so getting excited for this course was an easy task….

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Clean(er) Living II

Clean(er) Living II

In yesterdays post we talked about all the nasty chemicals found in our everyday beauty and cleaning products. What I’d like to point out here is that the studies that have been performed on these substances have deemed these chemicals as safe in small doses, fair enough. If a small dose is in your life…

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Clean(er) Living

Clean(er) Living

Have you ever tried to read the full ingredients list on the back of your shampoo bottle? Do you stand in your shower for a couple of seconds trying to read the ingredient after “aqua”? You’re not alone and chances are if you can’t read it, it shouldn’t be going anywhere near your mouth, head,…

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My Almond Flour Weekend

My Almond Flour Weekend

I was ridiculously sick this week. I tried to fight it on Thursday, desperately trying to stay caught up with everything life was throwing at me but after waking up early on Friday and feeling like I’d gotten hit by a bus, I decided to actually listen to my body by staying in bed and…

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Pumpkin French Toast

Pumpkin French Toast

I have been preparing for this recipe for a very long time. The inspiration for this breakfast delight came from a Vegan Baked Pumpkin French Toast recipe I found on one of the blogs I follow but for the life of me, I cannot find which blog it was so I apologize for not properly…

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Chocolate Hemp Pudding

Chocolate Hemp Pudding

Thank you Tara for sharing this recipe! I can vouch at how well this turns out. It has a perfect balance of chocolate that satisfies cravings and is a great “dessert” for the morning. This comes out with a texture somewhere between a pudding and a mousse, but it does a good job of satisfying…

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