Category: Drinks

Rooibos Masala Chai

Rooibos Masala Chai

I’ve never been able to handle stimulants very well. Caffeine, sugar, tobacco, even too much cacao can send me over the moon! How I managed to get through adolescence addicted to espresso, coke zero, cigarettes, and jujube’s is beyond me. I was in a constant state of energy highs and lows. I found it hard…

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Homemade Flax Milk

Homemade Flax Milk

This dairy-free recipes was inspired by my trip to India earlier this year… While I was walking along the road in the small village of Kallikadu, a random Indian woman invited me into her home for a cup of masala chai. Generally I would have said no to a stranger… but I was in India…

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Mint Chocolate Chip Smoothie

Mint Chocolate Chip Smoothie

The weather is getting warmer, days are longer, and all I can think about are salads, green smoothies and lemon water. Are you feeling the same? If so, it’s a good indication that your body is shifting gears from a Winter supporting diet to a Spring one. Spring is the season of purification. Greens, additional…

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OJ Lean + Green

OJ Lean + Green

He’s a cold, cough and flu, immune fighting machine. Rich in vitamins and minerals, he has health-promoting phytonutrients and flavonoids to pump your guts full of powerful antioxidant protection. He’ll serve and protect, disarming free radicals and preventing damage in the aqueous environment both inside and outside your cells. He has so much Vitamin A…

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Apple Pie Green Smoothie

Apple Pie Green Smoothie

I should be beaming with excitement at the thought of my 3 week adventure (by myself) to India in just 4 days. But I have to share something with you… this girl isn’t beaming as brightly as she should be! I haven’t exactly shared my feelings about this trip on the blog because; well, I…

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Healing and Repairing my Digestion: Part IV

Healing and Repairing my Digestion: Part IV

For more on my healing and repairing digestion series, check out: Part I, Part II, Part III Horray for day 3, the last day of our journey! We’re saying goodbye to juices and hello to whole food smoothies, puréed soups, and colon hydrotherapy. But before we get into the nitty gritty, I thought I’d share…

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Healing and Repairing my Digestion: Part III

Healing and Repairing my Digestion: Part III

For more on my healing and repairing digestion series, check out: Part I, Part II It’s day two of my juice fast. One last day of juice and I’m on to smoothies. Just one more day. One more day. Maybe if I keep on repeating it, Wednesday will be here before I know it? I’m…

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Healing and Repairing my Digestion: Part II

Healing and Repairing my Digestion: Part II

For an introduction to the healing and repairing digestion series, check out this post. Before we get started with the menu for juice fast day #1, a couple of questions came up from last weeks’ post. You mentioned that you weren’t keen on cleansing in the winter. This is the first I’ve heard of this,…

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Superwoman Green Smoothie

Superwoman Green Smoothie

I’m not one to make New Year’s resolutions. In fact, I’m not sure I’ve ever made a resolution. But as 2011 was drawing a close I made a small promise to myself to get back to putting my health first. 2011 was full of ups and downs, new beginnings and endless work hours. Though I’m…

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4 Nourishing Green Smoothies under 400 calories

4 Nourishing Green Smoothies under 400 calories

Beginning the day off with a green smoothie gives me a radiating glow, knowing that I’ve given the cells in my body exactly what they need to feel energized and nourished. Green smoothies also happen to be the perfect breakfast if you happen to have polished off an entire box of Bernard Callebaut dark chocolates…

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