I want...
June 17, 2013 By
Leanne Vogel
November 29, 2018
Oh jeez, Calgary is rocking my world right now.
I’m happy. I’m smiling. I’m all lit up. I attended my sister’s convocation (the scientific cookie of the family!), spent Papa’s day with my Dad, girls night with Mom… it’s been nourishing.
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I'm ready!I’m addicted to following my heart and doing what feels good. -@be_healthful
The plan, as I fly back to Montreal in 5 days to help Kevin finish packing, is to bottle up all this bliss and keep it with me as a quick-acting tranquilizer when things get heated.
The stress, timelines and moving parts of a cross-country move can be debilitating. I got so sick the last time we did this. But I’m not going to let my nerves and fears disrupt me this go around. No, no.
I’m juicing once a day, having balanced breakfasts, meditating every afternoon, and sucking up as much of my Alberta experience as I can.
I’m keeping my eyes on the prize and mega dosing with hemp milk (to keep me protein-packed and hydrated… plus, it’s like a dessert in a glass!).
Join me?
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I used xylitol for this recipe, but you could use any type of sugar that you have on hand.
Add all ingredients to the jug of your high-powered blender and blend on high for 1 minute.
You have the option to run the blended mixture through a nut milk bag if you want ultra-smooth milk or keep the pureed hemp seeds in the mixture for extra fiber.
It’s great either way but if you don’t strain it, the fiber will separate from the milk so make sure you give it a little shake before you drink it.
This entry was tagged: hemp, hemp seed, homemade milk, how to make milk
Hi! I'm Leanne (RHN FBCS)
a Functional Medicine Practitioner, host of the Healthful Pursuit Podcast, and best-selling author of The Keto Diet & Keto for Women. I want to live in a world where every woman has access to knowledge to better her health.