Category: Health

Quick and Simple Whole Foods Recipes

Quick and Simple Whole Foods Recipes

When I became curious about clean eating, I found it difficult to get inspired to create healthy food for myself. I knew where to find healthy, whole foods recipes, but actually going through with it and making a meal was a whole other ball game. I was intimidated by hard to find ingredients, shied away…

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Fresh Foods on the Go!

Fresh Foods on the Go!

As you know, I’m a huge supporter of fresh ingredients, healthy foods, and intuitive eating. Whether I’m at home, on a camping trip, backpacking through India, setting off on a road trip, or jumping on a plane for a business trip, I like to continue to consume foods that I know will nourish my body….

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Healthy Vegan

Healthy Vegan

I’m noticing a trend in the questions I’ve been getting in emails, comments and Facebook messages. It seems like everyone wants to know more about the vegan diet – what constitutes as a protein, the story on soy, and what nutrients a vegan should pump up in their diet. There are many things to consider…

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Releasing my Emotional Connection to Food

Releasing my Emotional Connection to Food

I knew that ashram living wasn’t going to be easy for me. Out of everything I expected to experience during the course of my trip – the meditation, curriculum, 4-5 hour yoga classes, traveling through a foreign country alone, it was the two meal a day schedule that shook me up the most. Being limited…

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Meal Plan Subscription Program

Meal Plan Subscription Program

There’s nothing I love more than whole food meals, simple recipes and helping others feel good about what they’re eating. As a nutrition educator, I connect with hundreds of people that are searching for the key to optimize their health in the most simplest way possible. Many of us are interested in living a healthy…

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Healthful Hints: The Worst Sweeteners

Healthful Hints: The Worst Sweeteners

We’ve talked about healthy alternative sweeteners but now it’s time we chatted about the worst. You may be surprised to learn which popular sweetener made the list, what ingredients are in common laboratory sweeteners, and what they can potentially do to our bodies.   Notes: My favorite snacks that use healthy alternative sweeteners: Grain-free Ginger…

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Healthful Hints: Transitioning to a Winter Diet

Healthful Hints: Transitioning to a Winter Diet

My recording software is working again which means I’m finally able to post another episode of Healthful Hints! In this episode we’re chatting about: The changes we can expect when winter is upon us What foods we should be consuming during this season My favorite winter meals and desserts Each of the four seasons offer…

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10 Clean Eating Meals

10 Clean Eating Meals

Originally, the plan after my 2 day juice fast was to end it with 1 day of smoothies. Halfway through smoothie day 1 (Wednesday), I decided to extend smoothies to 3 days. Today marks day number 3. Since Wednesday, I’ve stuck to veggie and fruit smoothies and have slowly added millet, coconut oil, and lentils…

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Healing and Repairing my Digestion: Part IV

Healing and Repairing my Digestion: Part IV

For more on my healing and repairing digestion series, check out: Part I, Part II, Part III Horray for day 3, the last day of our journey! We’re saying goodbye to juices and hello to whole food smoothies, puréed soups, and colon hydrotherapy. But before we get into the nitty gritty, I thought I’d share…

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Healing and Repairing my Digestion: Part III

Healing and Repairing my Digestion: Part III

For more on my healing and repairing digestion series, check out: Part I, Part II It’s day two of my juice fast. One last day of juice and I’m on to smoothies. Just one more day. One more day. Maybe if I keep on repeating it, Wednesday will be here before I know it? I’m…

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