Category: Health

Meal Planning 101: The Repeat Ingredients Tactic

Meal Planning 101: The Repeat Ingredients Tactic

I like having extra time to do the things I enjoy. I also like having extra money to do the things I enjoy. You too? Great. One easy way to increase time, money and happiness is to follow what I like to call, The Repeat Ingredients Tactic. If you’re a subscriber to my meal planning…

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17 Recipes for Healthy Eyes

17 Recipes for Healthy Eyes

Before meeting Kevin, I hadn’t put much thought into how the foods I ate could be impacting the health of my eyes. But with a prescription for -8.50 and yearly checkups with the doctor where; before we met, he was told that his eyesight would only continue to worsen, my lack of interest in eye…

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Done with Dairy Toolkit: Dairy free Recipes

Done with Dairy Toolkit: Dairy free Recipes

I’ll be the first to admit that going dairy-free is a challenge and living without the good stuff can be rough. But then I remind myself of why I removed it in the first place – digestive issues, headaches, atrocious complexion problems, stuffy nasal passages, ear infections… and my yearning for a big ‘ol container…

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The Complete Guide to Eating Healthy

The Complete Guide to Eating Healthy

What do you struggle with most when it comes to healthy eating? From your emails, comments and our interactions on Facebook, you’ve told me that you’re challenged by the time commitment, late night snacking, the cost, cravings, the stress of it all… If any of these roadblocks are standing in the way of you embracing…

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3 Day Juice Cleanse

3 Day Juice Cleanse

I was an emotional wreck the days leading up to my trip to New York City. I’ve never been able to handle the unknown very well, and a trip to The Big Apple was no exception to this. Nervousness and anxiety do a number on my digestion each and every time. Blah. That, coupled with…

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Gluten-free & Vegan Meal Plans

Gluten-free & Vegan Meal Plans

Many of us want to nourish our bodies with healthy, home cooked meals that will make us feel good about ourselves, our bodies and our future. A bunch of you out there are also quite new to the vegan, gluten-free or grain-free eating style or are interested in learning more about it. And I just…

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Cleanse Program: Week Two

Cleanse Program: Week Two

Just 7 more days to go. Yes! I’m feeling really good, my skin looks great, and I had a huge bowl of kale this morning for breakfast. A bowl of kale. For breakfast. This vegetable lovin’ cleanse is helping me step out of my comfort zone in all of the right ways What about you?…

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Two Week Cleanse Program

Two Week Cleanse Program

All I’ve wanted to do for the past week is drink water, prepare salads of epic proportions, and drown myself in homemade beet juice. Yes, beet juice. I’m taking this as a sign that my body wants to do a cleanse, so a cleanse I will do. But hey, doing a cleanse is no fun…

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Transform Your Favorite Recipes into Gluten-Free Recipes

Transform Your Favorite Recipes into Gluten-Free Recipes

You’ve decided to go gluten-free. Now what? If you’re anything like me, a couple of weeks into your gluten-free journey and you’ll give anything to have Mom’s casserole again, will begin dreaming of Grandma’s chocolate chip cookies, and your friends will be expecting you to bring their favorite dessert over to Sundays dinner party. Problem…

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Maintaining a Healthy Routine When You’re Moving

Maintaining a Healthy Routine When You’re Moving

When we were planning our move, we had a bunch of moving companies visit the house to take a look at everything in it and provide us with a quote. During the process, each representative suggested that we throw out the items in our pantry to save on weight and reassess how many dishes and…

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