Category: Paleo

Coconut Lime Frosty Cups

Coconut Lime Frosty Cups

Not a day goes by that I don’t treat myself to something sweet. A baked apple, frozen banana, small piece of chocolate… nothing fancy, just something small that I can savor. If I’m feeling ultra creative, I’ll whip up a quick dessert that’s freezer friendly and make a couple of servings to last the whole…

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Vegan Alfredo Sauce (paleo, soy-free & nut-free)

Vegan Alfredo Sauce (paleo, soy-free & nut-free)

BOOM! Every time I post a new dairy-free recipe for our collection of dairy-free awesomeness that is the Done with Dairy Toolkit, I just want to start the post with BOOM. So today, I did it… and I think a Paleo & Vegan Alfredo Sauce recipe deserves it. Don’t you?

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Quick & Easy Vegan Caesar Salad

Quick & Easy Vegan Caesar Salad

7 days have passed since I proposed we all try going dairy-free for a week using the resources from my new Done with Dairy Toolkit. I gotta say, I’m so impressed by your enthusiasm and willingness to do the challenge. Head on over to the Done with Dairy Toolkit comments to read what others’ have experienced…

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Vegan Blueberry Chia Cheesecake Cups

Vegan Blueberry Chia Cheesecake Cups

There’s nothing quite like enjoying dessert out of a little, wee cup. If you haven’t tried it, I highly suggest that you do. In fact, I suggest that you do it with everything that you eat. Using a smaller dish for your meals (and snacks) will make all of your portions look larger. You’ll feel…

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How to Make Sunflower Seed Milk

How to Make Sunflower Seed Milk

Today we’re learning how to make milk… sunflower seed style. This recipe is awesome for anyone who who’s allergic to nuts, oats, rice, soy or any other ingredient that’s been transformed into a dairy-free milk. … and if you’re allergic to sunflower seeds, have you seen my flax milk recipe? … and if you’re allergic…

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Pumpkin Seed and Herb Salad

Pumpkin Seed and Herb Salad

Have you ever ordered a restaurant salad with high hopes of chowing down on a huge bowl of greens and instead, get a measly amount of veggies swimming in a pool of dressing? How they think this is appealing is beyond me. Well, this salad is the complete opposite to that. It’s loaded with greens,…

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Vegan Shaved Parmesan Cheese Salad Topper

Vegan Shaved Parmesan Cheese Salad Topper

Chocolate overload. The pudding, the truffles, the candy at every turn… I’ve maxed out… and I’m guessing that you have too. So let’s make a yummy dairy-free recipes salad topper that will inspire us to fill up on nutrient-rich salads, shall we?

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Love Your Greens Juice

Love Your Greens Juice

We’re rockin’ into day 2 of the cleanse. How are you doing? I’m a bit tired and my skin is doing something funky – blemishes galore up in ‘her, but otherwise I’m feeling great. It’s normal, when doing a cleanse, to feel a bit slow and tired, so I’m not too concerned. Slow and steady…

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Pink Lady Carrot Juice

Pink Lady Carrot Juice

I wish I could remember where I saw my first sweet potato juice recipe. It was a mind-blowing day. Juicing a sweet potato has never really been up there on my priorities list because, well, I didn’t even know juicing a sweet potato was even possible. But wouldn’t you know it, it is possible and…

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Berry Immunity Smoothie

Berry Immunity Smoothie

Since the discovery of cacao, goji, lucuma, maca and other superfoods, the basic superfoods like kale, blueberries, cranberries and apples, are not often considered to be so super any more. Well, I got news for you – they’re still super, they’re cheaper than a bag of goji berries, and they’re really easy to find no…

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