Category: Nut-free

No bake Blueberry Cream Pie

No bake Blueberry Cream Pie

I was so tired yesterday morning that I decided to skip my morning workout, treat myself to a 30 minute sleep in, and prepare a nice breakfast. After enjoying an apple quinoa flake bake, I set the intention that I would find the time in the afternoon for a run. Thankfully, 10 hours later I…

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Stampede Barbecue Lentil Sandwich and a Yeeha!

Stampede Barbecue Lentil Sandwich and a Yeeha!

Late night partying, men in cowboy hats, and the smell of manure is in the air. [I swear when you grow up surrounded by the stuff, it doesn’t bother you at all]. Although we don’t join the Calgary Stampede festivities anymore, it’s hard not to miss out on the action from afar. [source] The Calgary…

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Grilled Mini Inside Out Apple Pies

Grilled Mini Inside Out Apple Pies

Every time I step foot outside after around 3pm, I smell barbecues. Everyone’s out on their deck, enjoying the sunshine, a juicy burger, and an ice cold beer. Sadly, because of all the yard work we’ve had to do [aka pay for], there will be no barbecue purchasing for awhile. For this reason, I’ve been…

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Peaches n’ Cream Overnight Oats

Peaches n’ Cream Overnight Oats

As a kid, I ate peaches and cream oats like it was my JOB! That, and apple cinnamon. My sister would get so upset when I’d raid the oatmeal variety packs and steal all of the good flavors. You snooze, you lose, right? Thankfully with overnight oats, you snooze and you WIN every time. Good…

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Yukka Flux Cocktails – Rum Drenched Fruit

Yukka Flux Cocktails – Rum Drenched Fruit

What a weekend! The weather was gorgeous, we have trees in our backyard now, our neighborhood barbecue was a success, and… my computer’s fixed! Thankfully no files were lost. So, the minute my computer was up and running, I did a backup of everything. I now have everything online on Dropbox. I was drawn to…

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Dad’s Famous Potato Salad

Dad’s Famous Potato Salad

The summer months bring back so many fantastic childhood memories. In the summer… You could catch me hiding with my dad under the dinning room table, chowing down on dipped Oreos in milk right before dinner. I could also be found doing flips in the lake with my little sister screaming “free willy!” [Weird? Maybe….

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Stuffed Pizza Mushrooms

Stuffed Pizza Mushrooms

What’s one food that you distinctly remember from your childhood? One that stands above all the rest? For me, it was bagel bites. The ooey, gooey, delicious morsels that made up my after school snack from the time I was 6, to the day I moved out of my parents’ house and realized how darn…

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Italian Greens and Grains Bombs + Empty the Fridge Salad

Italian Greens and Grains Bombs + Empty the Fridge Salad

Congratulations, Alex + Claire – you’ve won 4 boxes of gluten-free granola bars! I’ll send you an email in a few! ———————————————————— I know that’s not a bowl of chia pudding above, and chia has absolutely nothing to do with the recipe I’m planning to share with you, but enlighten me… Has anyone had chia…

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Rich Chocolate Quinoa Cake with Vanilla Buttercream Frosting

Rich Chocolate Quinoa Cake with Vanilla Buttercream Frosting

After my race on Saturday, we rushed home so I could make a birthday cake for my dad. One of my infamous dairy-free recipes that wins the hearts of everyone who tastes it. For real. I had originally planned to make Angela’s no bake version of her Chilled Double Chocolate Torte, but the avocados I…

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Vegan Sour cream & Chive Bacon Kale Chips

Vegan Sour cream & Chive Bacon Kale Chips Kale is one of those foods that many people shy away from because it’s green, looks like seaweed, and tastes funny on it’s own. Or, wait, that’s why I used to shy away from it. But nonetheless, there have to be others that feel that way, right? I was a kale hater until I…

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