I want...
October 18, 2015 By
Leanne Vogel
October 5, 2018
Make healthy dog food that contains everything your furry baby needs to thrive. These raw dog food pucks use much of the food scraps you would normally throw away, saving you money and improving your dog’s health.
Kevin and I have two dogs. Lexy, a 9 year old German Shepherd Border Collie Cross whose loyalty runs deep. And Pebbles, a 6 year old Pomeranian with an attitude that just won’t quit.
Keto shopping lists, recipes, and more! Start keto with this FREE 5-step guide.
I'm ready!I’ve always been interested in feeding them a raw food diet, but wasn’t really sure where to start. Sadly, there isn’t much out there on how to do this the right (and safe) way. All I knew is that I wasn’t going to buy the raw food dog food pucks at the pet store for a whopping $7 per serving… twice a day… per dog.
I don’t even spend that much money on my own food.
Pebbles was diagnosed with hypothyroidism in May, which catapulted my slight interest in feeding our dogs a raw food diet to an all out obsession to figuring out how to make raw dog food happen in our house for the least amount of money. That same week, I spent oodles of hours formulating the perfect homemade dog food for both of them.
Lexy is 50 pounds and Pebbles is 5 pounds. So already, there had to be a drastic difference in the food I made for each of them. Combined with Pebbles’ thyroid condition, and I had my work cut out for me… or so I thought.
Making homemade dog food is actually really simple. Especially if you have an Instant Pot. You don’t need one to do this, but it’s much easier. Use the coupon code HEALTHFUL for $10 off your Instant Pot.
While you can do this 100% raw, after chatting with a couple of vets about it, I’ve developed a 50/50 raw to cooked formula. Raw where it counts, cooked where it benefits them and their little bodies!
Our little ones have been on this food for 6 months and have visited the vet for bloodwork (because I’m a nerd like that and like to make sure that what I’m doing is safe), Pebble’s thyroid is within normal range again, both of them are energetic, their dry skin has vanished and they have perfectly formed bowel movements twice a day. All is well!
Be sure to check out the notes below the recipe for some tips on making sure the dog food that you make is actually safe for your dog.
The recipe above makes enough homemade dog food for 30 days for our 5 pound dog. For every 5 pounds of body weight, a good place to start is 2 tablespoons per serving, twice a day.
GET $10 off your Instant Pot with the coupon code HEALTHFUL at checkout
If you like making homemade treats for your dog, check out these Cinnibone Dog Treats, a recipe I shared on the blog back in 2011. Scroll halfway down the post for the recipe.
This entry was tagged: bone broth
Hi! I'm Leanne (RHN FBCS)
a Functional Medicine Practitioner, host of the Healthful Pursuit Podcast, and best-selling author of The Keto Diet & Keto for Women. I want to live in a world where every woman has access to knowledge to better her health.