I want...
August 20, 2013 By
Leanne Vogel
October 2, 2018
I love meeting new people. And, when I meet them? I know that there is no thought in their mind that I battled with a life threatening disease.
Keto shopping lists, recipes, and more! Start keto with this FREE 5-step guide.
I'm ready!10 years ago, I was an energy filled, saucy university student who happened to go to the doctor for a stomach ache – only to be diagnosed with Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma in my liver two weeks later – a 7cm tumor at that! 5 weeks following my diagnosis, I had lost 30lbs, my stomach was swollen out to the size of a 6 month pregnant woman and I had become so jaundice that my skin was green.
My first appointment with the oncologist ended with a bone marrow test (ouch!) and I was admitted to the hospital immediately to start chemotherapy treatments.
After 4 rounds of chemotherapy, my tumor was almost completely gone which ended up cutting my initial prescribed 8 treatments down to 6.
From the beginning of my cancer experience, I used my mind as a powerful tool to manage my pain and kill the cancer that had overwhelmed my body. I would literally say in my head “die cancer, die” for hours during treatments and any time I was in a large amount of pain. The combination of Western medicine and the power of positive meditation helped me combat this disease.
For the first 5 years after treatment, I was watched very closely by my doctors for any signs that the disease had returned. Once I passed that point, I was allowed to go back to receiving one thorough physical, once a year. This October, I will be celebrating 10 years without cancer!
I work hard everyday to prevent disease, mostly through what I put in my mouth and on my body.
Here are 5 tips that I use daily that give me the strength to keep kicking cancer to the curb, long term.
It took me a while to learn how to do this and really came into play about 4 1/2 years ago when my husband was diagnosed with an acute form of arthritis along with Crohn’s disease. We shifted to a diet free of refined sugars, gluten & processed foods to reduce inflammation (which causes disease) in our bodies. Not only have I been in remission for almost 10 years, my husband’s most recent colonoscopy shows no sign of disease. Consider an elimination diet with the guided help of a nutrition educator like Leanne or a naturopath.
Not everyone has time for an hour yoga or meditation class every day, but everyone has 5 minutes to donate to their health. Try the free Calm app that has 2, 5 and 10 minute guided meditations. A few minutes of meditation can help you stay connected to your body and help recognize signs of disease.
With one child and a second on the way, I have to find more creative ways to get my booty moving like running 30 minutes to work instead of taking the bus, walking to the grocery store with child in stroller and taking the long route home with the load of food. All of these small things can get your heart rate up and build your muscles, which in turn, builds a strong immune system to prevent disease.
Coconut oil, baking soda, raw apple cider vinegar & avocado are at the base of all of my homemade beauty products. DIY products can be more cost effective then buying from the store and eliminates harsh chemicals that cause diseases (like cancer).
If you don’t give a crap, your body won’t give a crap. This is the only body you get – your sanctuary. So own it. Maintain it and have fun doing so!
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How about you? Have you every struggled with disease and found a way to prevent it from coming back?
I would love to hear your daily preventative tips in the comments below!
Author bio: Suzanne Hendriks is a native of Ontario who recently moved to the West Coast of Canada with her husband and three year old son. Suzanne can be found hiking in the mountains, swimming in the ocean and going crazy in the kitchen! She has a passion for creating clean-eating treats that will leave you feeling guilt-free and shares her recipes on her blog Roll With It.
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This entry was tagged: goat cheese, healthy salad, power posse, vegan salad
Hi! I'm Leanne (RHN FBCS)
a Functional Medicine Practitioner, host of the Healthful Pursuit Podcast, and best-selling author of The Keto Diet & Keto for Women. I want to live in a world where every woman has access to knowledge to better her health.