I want...
March 23, 2011 By
Leanne Vogel
July 17, 2018
Spring has sprung! [says the girl with 6 inches of snow on her front lawn]
The birds are chirping, the cows are mooing, and our bodies are saying “please, please cleanse me!”
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I'm ready!We’ve been hibernating in our houses, eating earthy vegetables, and surrounding our organs with extra TLC [it’s perfectly normal and expected to gain a bit of weight in the winter!].
But with spring, comes the opportunity to awaken our body, mind and spirit and ground ourselves in this new season.
How do we do that?
Sure there are loads of boxed cleansing programs out there, but thankfully Mother Nature has brilliantly provided everything we need to allow ourselves to transition to this season of renewal.
Personally, I like to begin April with a light cleanse that then transitions me to a lighter spring diet. I find it’s easier on my body [and digestion] than jumping into a completely new diet head first.
Don’t get me wrong though, I still enjoy my treats! And this year will be a lot easier since I’ve cut most sugars out of my life.
I sense some serious menu planning in my not so distant future.
yipee! :-)
View Nutritional Information (once on page scroll down)
Nutrition stats [1 drop]: calories 160; fat 9g; carbohydrates 20g; dietary fiber 2g; sugars 15g; protein 3g
I’ve already started adding lemon to my morning water [something I dreadfully missed throughout the winter] and have already used my juicer 3 times since Sunday. Heck ya.
But there’s still more I need to change in order to give my body a good ‘ol spring cleaning.
Once I’ve come up with the plan on how I’ll be shifting from my winter diet to a lighter cleansing diet, I’ll start sharing the following info with all y’all:
Have you ever done a cleanse or season transition?
Are you interested in doing a cleanse but not sure where to start?
Hi! I'm Leanne (RHN FBCS)
a Functional Medicine Practitioner, host of the Healthful Pursuit Podcast, and best-selling author of The Keto Diet & Keto for Women. I want to live in a world where every woman has access to knowledge to better her health.