I want...
Yoga challenge. Are you doing it with us? Can I be honest? It’s hard. Not that I want that to deter you… but this is harder than I thought it was going to be. My body hurts, my heart can’t take it at times, and I’m sick of washing my yoga gear every gosh-darn day….
There are so many good words happening in the title of this post, aren’t there? pumpkin. quinoa. breakfast. cake. The amalgamation of 4 of my most favorite things. Yours too? What a coincidence! Begin the week with pumpkin, end the week with pumpkin, and eat pumpkin every day in between. Sound like your house? It’s…
Happy October, everyone! Can you believe we’re into the 10th month of the year? Jeez Louise! This October I plan to… eat my weight in pumpkin find myself cuddled up on my chaise reading the afternoons away prepare a couple of recipes for Halloween I suck at posting recipes for upcoming holidays. I had to…
I’m back in Montreal and am more grounded than I’ve been in a long time. The opportunity to go home to Alberta for a couple of days was exactly what I needed to put things into perspective and begin to move on from my life there. I got to spend a fair deal of time…
Do you like pumpkin? Don’t worry, I wont judge you over how you answer that question. This is a safe place. Just know that if you answer with a ‘no’ a scary goblin may be planning to jump up behind your chair and spook you into liking it. Can’t say I didn’t warn you! This…
Pictures like this make me miss home, and my kitchen. There’s something to be said for being able to mosey on down to your kitchen and create whatever tickles your fancy. Don’t get me wrong, I’m having a great time in London; there are so many amazing shops, great energy, and tasty food to be…
Today marks the 1st blogiversary of Healthful Pursuit! The past 365 days have been filled with great food, inspiration, friendship, self care, triumph, frustration, and a whole lot a love. The craziest part? Healthful Pursuit was never intended to be a food blog. It began as a website for my private practice. I envisioned it…
I’ve been dying to share this recipe with you for days and days and years! I exaggerate. It’s only been two days. I’m quite good at exaggerating though. My excuse? I’m a Taurus which naturally limits my ability to state the facts correctly. That, and my Mom was a pro at it too. It was…
I wanted to do something different for Thanksgiving dessert this year. My Grandma’s Thanksgiving dessert specialty are butter tarts, my Mom’s is definitely pumpkin pie, and my sister makes a mean pumpkin crepe. But none of my Thanksgiving recipes are famous in our family… yet. This year I decided that it was time I made…
Oh heavenly orange squash that marks the first day of Fall, how I’ve missed your versatility. Pumpkins are filled with complex carbohydrates, fiber, anti-oxidants, and vitamin A… but I’ve been avoiding them. I blame it on end-of-summer-denial syndrome. Yes, it’s something many of us struggle with *tear* But in an effort to keep up with…