Category: Recipes

Dairy-free Skor Bar Cups

Dairy-free Skor Bar Cups

It didn’t feel right ending Health-oween without paying tribute to the Skor bar. Just like the vegan Twix bar we enjoyed last week, I wanted to make a Skor treat that I could feel better about eating. Heck, I just wanted to be able to taste a Skor bar again. And taste I did… again,…

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Devilish Eggs

Devilish Eggs

No healthy Halloween recipe collection would be complete without an appetizer, right? It was a toss up between bat wings, octopus, and witch fingers. In the end, the idea of making evil deviled eggs won me over. I think I put the mustaches on the wrong way though. They should be pointed down not up and…

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No Bake Vegan Twix Bars

No Bake Vegan Twix Bars

I gotta say, I was a sight for sore eyes yesterday. I had chocolate behind my ears, my house smelled like bacon, there was grease all down my shirt and I was hobbling around with a slipper missing off my left foot. It wasn’t pretty. But it was all in the name of the Twix…

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Can’t Beet This Smoothie

Can’t Beet This Smoothie

October and November are the perfect months to detox our bodies in preparation for the long Winter ahead. There’s a 3 week cleanse program going on right now with whole food eats and while I haven’t been following it fully due to all the Halloween treats, I’ve been upping my fresh juice and smoothie intake…

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Stuffed Jack-o’-Lanterns

Stuffed Jack-o’-Lanterns

I remember getting absolutely frantic the day of Halloween. Scratch that… I was frantic the days leading up to EVERY holiday. Besides making my costumes, I would consistently devise a Halloween treat plan that would help our crew (usually my best friend, my sister and her best friend) tackle each street with precision. No house…

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Pumpkin Orange Cream Smoothie

Pumpkin Orange Cream Smoothie

Yoga challenge. Are you doing it with us? Can I be honest? It’s hard. Not that I want that to deter you… but this is harder than I thought it was going to be. My body hurts, my heart can’t take it at times, and I’m sick of washing my yoga gear every gosh-darn day….

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Witches Brew Breakfast Pudding

Witches Brew Breakfast Pudding

I had a history of choosing the same Halloween costume year after year when I was a kid. Did you, too? I was a princess, then a queen, Cinderella… well, you get the idea. Royalty was kind of my thing. My sister on the other hand liked to be scary characters a witch, goblin, ghost,…

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Sweet Potato and Fennel Curry

Sweet Potato and Fennel Curry

India has been on my brain for the past few weeks. It feels like ages since I got on that plane and headed to Mumbai earlier this year. The waterfalls, the beach, the ashram… I returned home with a strong sense of self, a free soul and a happy heart. Maybe this yearning has been…

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Vegan Caramel Popcorn Ant Hills

Vegan Caramel Popcorn Ant Hills

Growing up in a small town had it’s benefits. #1 – We knew everyone. #2 – When it came time for Halloween and we received homemade treats while trick-or-treating, we were allowed to eat them. I remember the first Halloween we spent in the big city. Mom and Dad decided to move us ON Halloween…

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Monster Eyeball Macaroons (vegan + gluten-free)

Monster Eyeball Macaroons (vegan + gluten-free)

Are you ready to be spooked? You better be because today marks the first of many Halloween recipes that I’ll be sharing with you as part of Health-oween! Get your caldron ready, set your eye of newt aside and prepare yourself for some ultra creepy treats, breakfasts, dinners and drinks. *witch crackle* You have no…

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