Category: Paleo

Stuffed Jack-o’-Lanterns

Stuffed Jack-o’-Lanterns

I remember getting absolutely frantic the day of Halloween. Scratch that… I was frantic the days leading up to EVERY holiday. Besides making my costumes, I would consistently devise a Halloween treat plan that would help our crew (usually my best friend, my sister and her best friend) tackle each street with precision. No house…

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Witches Brew Breakfast Pudding

Witches Brew Breakfast Pudding

I had a history of choosing the same Halloween costume year after year when I was a kid. Did you, too? I was a princess, then a queen, Cinderella… well, you get the idea. Royalty was kind of my thing. My sister on the other hand liked to be scary characters a witch, goblin, ghost,…

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Sweet Potato and Fennel Curry

Sweet Potato and Fennel Curry

India has been on my brain for the past few weeks. It feels like ages since I got on that plane and headed to Mumbai earlier this year. The waterfalls, the beach, the ashram… I returned home with a strong sense of self, a free soul and a happy heart. Maybe this yearning has been…

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Curried Cauliflower & Apple Soup with Roasted Chickpeas and Homemade Curry Powder

Curried Cauliflower & Apple Soup with Roasted Chickpeas and Homemade Curry Powder

*long breath in* Wow, the title of today’s post is a long one, right? There’s just so much goodness happening today that I had a hard time deciding which recipes to include and which not to… so I just included all three. I was a recipe making machine yesterday afternoon and for good reason, too….

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Pumpkin Chai Smoothie

Pumpkin Chai Smoothie

Happy October, everyone! Can you believe we’re into the 10th month of the year? Jeez Louise! This October I plan to… eat my weight in pumpkin find myself cuddled up on my chaise reading the afternoons away prepare a couple of recipes for Halloween I suck at posting recipes for upcoming holidays. I had to…

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Vegan + Gluten-free Pumpkin Mousse Squares

Vegan + Gluten-free Pumpkin Mousse Squares

I’m back in Montreal and am more grounded than I’ve been in a long time. The opportunity to go home to Alberta for a couple of days was exactly what I needed to put things into perspective and begin to move on from my life there. I got to spend a fair deal of time…

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Cherry Almond Smoothie with Eat Spin Run Repeat

Cherry Almond Smoothie with Eat Spin Run Repeat

Today’s recipe is brought to you by Angela from Eat Spin Run Repeat. Angela is an incredibly passionate, success-driven lady, with big dreams and a dose of healthy confidence that I have no doubt will help her accomplish anything she puts her mind to. I could go on for days about how much I love…

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Frozen Raspberry Banana Muffins from KatieDid

Frozen Raspberry Banana Muffins from KatieDid

Kevin and I are so appreciative of the supportive loving comments you all shared with us yesterday in response to our next big adventure. We sat on the floor of our empty home last night and read them together. Thank you. We’re kicking off a series of insanely awesome guest recipes with Katie, the coconut…

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Paleo Beef Kebabs with Chunky Tzatziki

Paleo Beef Kebabs with Chunky Tzatziki

Boy, it was tough to get up this morning! I stayed up far too late watching movies and chatting with Kevin on Skype. My routine always gets a bit mixed up when Kevin’s in the UK for work. Falling asleep on the couch in the early evening, waking up to chat at 11pm, and sleeping…

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Vanilla Pear Muffins

Vanilla Pear Muffins

I’m pretty sure I’ve become obsessed with muffins. It feels like I’ve been posting a gluten-free muffin recipe each and every week. Hmm… I supposed I have been. But wait, these muffins are just as good as the last and they’re grain-free too which is a bonus, right? Perhaps I’ve been drawn to create muffins…

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