I want...
December 15, 2012 By
Leanne Vogel
December 12, 2018
Spending this last week and a half with my family has easily been the best Christmas present I’ve received this year. Heck, maybe even the best ever. Even better than the year Santa brought me a Dear Diary. Even better than my tamagotchi. Common, you had one too, right? The elves worked some magic that year, let me tell you!
Although I’ve missed everyone like crazy, there’s something to be said about living away from home. My sister, dad, mom and I haven’t spent this much time together in over 10 years, since I lived at home. The best part to my visit has been getting the opportunity to have one on one time with everyone. My Mom and I went out for lunch at Blue Star Diner and then treated ourselves to pedicures and a bit of shopping, Dad and I went for lunch, bought a bag of jujubes and watched the latest Bond movie, and my sister and I got to spend a morning together preparing breakfast and catching up on life. I’ve even gotten to spend individual time with my Grandma and my Aunt Lesley.
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I'm ready!My heart is singing.
We celebrated “Christmas” last weekend with the turkey and all, decorated the tree and even went out to Banff for a whole day.
Here are some of the pictures I’ve taken along the way…
I’ve kept up with my veggie consumption, beginning each day with my favorite way to enjoy kale (minus the dill because I couldn’t find it in Mom’s spice collection. I think I need to make her one like mine.) I find starting the day with a big bowl of veggies just kicks things off to a great start.
Regardless of the spices we had on hand, the Christmas feast last weekend was a total hit.
Mom dressed up the table all fancily and served an entirely gluten-free, grain-free, sugar-free, awesome Christmas meal with all the classic goods.
Of course Christina took it upon herself to pretend the garland was jewelry when we started decorating the tree.
Then proceeded to dress me up in it.
Christina and I used to take turns placing the angel on top of the tree and since I haven’t been home in 10 years for the event my turn was way, way overdue.
You’d be hard-pressed to find a picture we aren’t laughing in.
Hey, I can accept that as a good problem to have.
We went to Bow Falls in Banff for a nice wintery walk and Christina (taking the picture) told us to make funny faces.
Mom wins.
Looks like she’s about to fall into the water or something?
That, or eat a gremlin, I’m not sure.
Leave it to Christina and Dad to find funny hats and then ask me to take a billion pictures of them goofing around.
Pretty sure the shop owner thought we were drunk.
Hey, it’s 5 o’clock somewhere.
I’d just like to say that Christina’s DOTS were gone before mine.
I savored those babies to no end. I wish I could have a never-ending supply of them. Well, I don’t actually wish that, but sometimes I do. Heat of the moment I suppose.
What’s the best time you ever had with your family?
Hi! I'm Leanne (RHN FBCS)
a Functional Medicine Practitioner, host of the Healthful Pursuit Podcast, and best-selling author of The Keto Diet & Keto for Women. I want to live in a world where every woman has access to knowledge to better her health.