Tag: Coconut

5 Ingredient No Bake Fudge Drops

5 Ingredient No Bake Fudge Drops

There are certain days when a girl just needs her chocolate and yesterday was one of those days for me. Why I didn’t just have a handful of chocolate chips and be done with it is beyond me. Sometimes I over complicate things… I think it’s the Taurus in me. My chocolate themed day began…

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Baked Oatmeal to Go

Baked Oatmeal to Go

Breakfast has always been a challenge in our house. I love dried fruit, Kevin has an aversion to it, I enjoy a sweet breakfast, he’d rather no sugar at all. Needless to say, it’s rare that we can enjoy the same breakfast together. And that’s if Kevin even has the time to eat in the…

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5 minute Breakfast Cup-cake

5 minute Breakfast Cup-cake

Sometimes all I want for breakfast is a bowl of apple sauce drenched in cinnamon and ground flax. I know it sounds gross; and I’m sure you’re already imagining how awful it may look, but it’s slop factor has never stopped me from slurping it up for breakfast on the daily. Placing it’s swamp-esque features…

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Flavors of India: Pineapple Payasam (sweet pineapple pudding)

Flavors of India: Pineapple Payasam (sweet pineapple pudding)

For more on the flavors of India series, check out: Dhal Aloo Kofta, Aloo Palak, Gluten-free naan and Malai Kofta. Everyone thought I was crazy for going to India. They warned me about theft, feared for my safety, and were genuinely concerned when I told them I hated Indian food. How could someone that hates…

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Sketch Free Vegan: Fun with Blues!

Sketch Free Vegan: Fun with Blues!

Jaclyn and Jenn were the inspiration behind one of the blog’s most popular recipes, 100 calorie beary simple cookies. 7 months have passed since I made the first batch and they’re still made on a weekly basis around here. The thing I love most about Sketch Free Vegan Eating is their focus on simple ingredients…

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Clean Eating Chelsey: The Power of Coconut Oil

Clean Eating Chelsey: The Power of Coconut Oil

Chelsey’s here today to talk about one of my favorite kitchen staples. Not only do I use it to replace butter, oil, and cream in recipes, it may just be my absolute favorite above all other ingredients I stock in my pantry. When I wrote down a list of what foods I was going to…

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5 Ingredient Chewy Vanilla Coconut Cookies

5 Ingredient Chewy Vanilla Coconut Cookies

There’s nothing like waking up in a foreign country and knowing that there’s a little something hidden away in your hotel room that will make the world of difference to your stay. I’m not talking about extra sunblock, a fancy sundress, or the tens of tiny bottles of rum from the mini bar. I’m talkin’…

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Coconut Almond Bark (no sugar added)

Coconut Almond Bark (no sugar added)

I wish I would have come up with this recipe sooner. Like 3 years sooner. If you like coconut, you’re going to LOVE this bark. If you don’t like coconut, I suggest you make a batch of chai spice roasted almonds and forget this post ever existed. Sure, you could make these for people as…

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Opening a Coconut in 7 Simple Steps

Opening a Coconut in 7 Simple Steps

Whole coconuts are insanely cheap right now. Until recently, I believed that if you didn’t have a machete at home, breaking open a coconut was next to impossible. Thankfully, I’ve landed on the easiest way to break open a coconut with the tools you have around your home and in 7 simple steps. Y’all ready…

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Coconut Surprise Breakfast Bake

Coconut Surprise Breakfast Bake

One of my clients shared this coconut waffle recipe with me over a month ago. Since then, I’ve made at least 10 batches [they make great pancakes too!]. Having been introduced to a new blog in the process; Joy from Joy the Baker is amazing, it wasn’t long until I was inspired to turn the…

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