Sleepy Smoothies!

Sleepy Smoothies!

Happy Saturday :) Stefanie over at The New Healthy invited me to write a guest post on how we can all make a quick + delicious breakfast. What better way to kick it all off than with a couple new additions to the sleepy smoothie family? Strawberry cheesecake or chocolate chip cookie dough anyone? Check…

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Two-Bite Black Bean Fudge Cupcakes

Two-Bite Black Bean Fudge Cupcakes

Just my luck. Our good weather turned into a couple of inches of snow this morning + a bunch overnight last night. Bonus! Instead of spending yesterday afternoon working on our backyard, I changed into a big woolly sweater, made chocolaty cupcakes + worked on my knee strengthening physio exercises. FYI: these cupcakes would be…

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Raw Tomato Basil Zucchini Pasta

Raw Tomato Basil Zucchini Pasta

It’s finally starting to feel like Spring around here. We’ve had a couple of Spring showers, and I even got to walk the dogs at 8pm last night with NO JACKET. Yay! Best part about Spring? Landscaping! We moved into our house just under a year ago and currently have a dirt mud pit for…

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Maple Mystery Butter

Maple Mystery Butter

I couldn’t stop saying…. M-m-m-m-m-m-maply goodness as I was slathering this nut butter on a handful of crackers last night. Be still my heart. No fats were harmed in the making of this nut butter Did you know? Roasting nuts at temperatures higher than 170F causes damage to their delicate fats? When the fat in…

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Sweet Lemon Salad with Lemon Pepper Tempeh Croutons

Sweet Lemon Salad with Lemon Pepper Tempeh Croutons

I have a confession to make… I hate veggies. Wait, no… that’s a little too drastic. I just hate boring veggies. I’m not one to be seen snacking on a carrot unless it’s loaded with hummus. You’ll never have to worry about me stealing a slice of your cucumber. Wait, is that salt & pepper…

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Tongue Twisted Buckwheat Berry Binge Bars

Tongue Twisted Buckwheat Berry Binge Bars

How was your Easter weekend? I’ll be quite honest with you, I’m not ready to go back to work today. I had 4 sweet days off and couldn’t have enjoyed myself more. Why does time fly when you’re having fun? It’s just not fair. Speaking of time off, only 4 more weeks until our vacation…

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Emily’s Portabella Flatbread with Walnut “Cheese”

Emily’s Portabella Flatbread with Walnut “Cheese”

One of my favorite dairy-free recipes… are you ready? Yesterday turned out to be such an awesome day. I got everything done on my to do list + loads more! I wasn’t racing anywhere, I wasn’t panicking, and I even got to have a nap in my car in between appointments [if you know me,…

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Bird Seed Granola

Bird Seed Granola

My dad is probably the last person in the world to be interested in eating healthy. He has always been madly in love with his Alberta beef, deep fried potatoes, meatloaf, perogies, kielbasa, licorice, [and his two daughters – but we’re good for his heart!] [me, my Dad, and little sister in ’90 having a…

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Cinnibun Oat Streusel Muffins

Cinnibun Oat Streusel Muffins

I had no idea how much garbage was in the food I ate before I began studying nutrition. From the preservatives, unnecessary sugars, carcinogens, dyes, flavors and chemicals, it didn’t phase me. But, a couple of weeks into my training something clicked… The food I’m eating is slowly killing me. One of the foods that…

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Tuna Chard Wraps with Fresh Dill Sauce + Apple Dips

Tuna Chard Wraps with Fresh Dill Sauce + Apple Dips

Kevin had to work late last night, so the girls and I got to enjoy another ladies night. I came home to a clean house [couldn’t be happier that I busted my buns cleaning the house over the weekend], went for a snow-in-shoe-and-socks walk in the park, and made a Summery dinner to remind myself…

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