Category: Desserts

Two-Bite Black Bean Fudge Cupcakes

Two-Bite Black Bean Fudge Cupcakes

Just my luck. Our good weather turned into a couple of inches of snow this morning + a bunch overnight last night. Bonus! Instead of spending yesterday afternoon working on our backyard, I changed into a big woolly sweater, made chocolaty cupcakes + worked on my knee strengthening physio exercises. FYI: these cupcakes would be…

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Tongue Twisted Buckwheat Berry Binge Bars

Tongue Twisted Buckwheat Berry Binge Bars

How was your Easter weekend? I’ll be quite honest with you, I’m not ready to go back to work today. I had 4 sweet days off and couldn’t have enjoyed myself more. Why does time fly when you’re having fun? It’s just not fair. Speaking of time off, only 4 more weeks until our vacation…

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Cinnibun Oat Streusel Muffins

Cinnibun Oat Streusel Muffins

I had no idea how much garbage was in the food I ate before I began studying nutrition. From the preservatives, unnecessary sugars, carcinogens, dyes, flavors and chemicals, it didn’t phase me. But, a couple of weeks into my training something clicked… The food I’m eating is slowly killing me. One of the foods that…

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No bake Raspberry Cashew Granola Cakes

No bake Raspberry Cashew Granola Cakes

Have you ever set out to do something to benefit your health only to realize it’s made you absolutely miserable? Story of my life last week. I began my yeast killing plan last Saturday with the best intentions, but by Tuesday I was exhausted, stressed, consumed by guilt, and craving anything I could get my…

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You Scream, I Scream, We All Scream For Ice Cream!

You Scream, I Scream, We All Scream For Ice Cream!

Remember how I told you at the beginning of the week that I’d ordered an ice cream machine? Well, Sears called me on Thursday to tell me it had been delayed a week. Wait a minute, why did I order this online when there’s a Sears on my way home? I could pick it up…

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Chocolate Hemp Runners Repair Bars

Chocolate Hemp Runners Repair Bars

30 days ago I realized that having one huge fitness goal was dragging me down mentally and discouraging me from keeping up with my training. So, I opted for setting smaller goals so I could be encouraged by my ongoing progress. Let’s see how I did… Run for a consecutive 15 minutes without pain in…

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Sweet Strawberry Ice Cream + Chocolate Sauce

Sweet Strawberry Ice Cream + Chocolate Sauce

I’m happy to report that I completed everything on my to do list, except for the photography stroll I had planned for the afternoon. I have a good excuse though. The minute I walked outside with camera in hand, it started snowing. Snow + Kevin’s DSLR = Leanne in a lot of trouble if something…

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Yeast Bustin’ Carob Clusters

Yeast Bustin’ Carob Clusters

I’m happy to report I had Apple Cinnamon Overnight Oats yesterday for breakfast and my tummy was as happy as could be. It was definitely the caprylic acid supplement that did me in on Saturday. In other news, I have today off and couldn’t be more excited about it. My plan today: Spin class +…

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Hidden Gem “Butter” Cookies

Hidden Gem “Butter” Cookies

I’ve been having crazy dreams lately, and no, not about food… although this next recipe did come to me in a daydream! I’ve been waking up with a peaceful mind, clear head, and focused intentions. What have I been dreaming about you ask? Yoga. I haven’t visited my mat since November, but after a couple…

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Cleanse Breaking Coconut Rum Balls

Cleanse Breaking Coconut Rum Balls

Okay so… rum is not part of my cleanse plan. And I know we’re so far away from Christmas that even the mention of rum balls may be depressing for some of you [sorry]. But with 12 inches of snowfall on Saturday, my mind + body was totally seasonally confused. It all started when I’d…

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