Category: Desserts

5 Ingredient No Bake Fudge Drops

5 Ingredient No Bake Fudge Drops

There are certain days when a girl just needs her chocolate and yesterday was one of those days for me. Why I didn’t just have a handful of chocolate chips and be done with it is beyond me. Sometimes I over complicate things… I think it’s the Taurus in me. My chocolate themed day began…

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Flavors of India: Pineapple Payasam (sweet pineapple pudding)

Flavors of India: Pineapple Payasam (sweet pineapple pudding)

For more on the flavors of India series, check out: Dhal Aloo Kofta, Aloo Palak, Gluten-free naan and Malai Kofta. Everyone thought I was crazy for going to India. They warned me about theft, feared for my safety, and were genuinely concerned when I told them I hated Indian food. How could someone that hates…

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Chewy Oatmeal Raisin Cookies

Chewy Oatmeal Raisin Cookies

Out of all the things I missed while I was in India – hot showers, blankets (it’s too hot to sleep with any but I missed the cuddle factor), and my kitchen, cookies were at the top of the list. Always. If you’re not allergic to gluten, you can find countless biscuits and cookie-like treats…

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Sketch Free Vegan: Fun with Blues!

Sketch Free Vegan: Fun with Blues!

Jaclyn and Jenn were the inspiration behind one of the blog’s most popular recipes, 100 calorie beary simple cookies. 7 months have passed since I made the first batch and they’re still made on a weekly basis around here. The thing I love most about Sketch Free Vegan Eating is their focus on simple ingredients…

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Fork and Beans: Chocolate Smooches

Fork and Beans: Chocolate Smooches

With all the planning it took for me to get ready for India; not to mention all the meals I preparing for Kevin for while I was gone, I didn’t get much of a chance to think about Valentine’s Day baking. Thankfully, Cara took one for the team and came up with a deliciously creative…

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Gluten-free + Vegan Chewy Carob Chip Cookies

Gluten-free + Vegan Chewy Carob Chip Cookies

Slide over dreamy cookie balls, there’s a new cookie in town and he’s a dangerous one! Super, freakin’ dangerous. Sneaky, really. Before you realize, you’ll have eaten 6 of these guys without even knowing it. They put a spell on you… At least that’s my excuse. Maybe I’m so infatuated with these cookies because I’ve…

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Caramel Apple Doughnuts

Caramel Apple Doughnuts

I love caramel apples. I love dairy-free recipes. The gooey treat reminds me of the afternoons in the kitchen with my Mom, melting caramel for Halloween apples; and later, the endless hours I spent hanging out at the Calgary Stampede Midway as a teenager. Those caramel apples were upwards of $8 a pop, but that…

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Grain-free Ginger Spice Muffin Tops

Grain-free Ginger Spice Muffin Tops

The potential coconut sensitivity that I mentioned on Friday = false alarm. Thank goodness. I spent most of the weekend panicking that my love for coconut had eventually led to a sensitivity. (When you eat too much of one thing, especially when you’re prone to allergies, your body can begin to develop a sensitivity to…

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Grain-free Apple Pancake Cobbler

Grain-free Apple Pancake Cobbler

We had the laziest day yesterday. I didn’t get out of my pajamas all day. We played rock, paper, scissors on who got to brave the outdoors and head to Superstore for an essential toilet paper run. I had two naps. I meditated for 30 minutes instead of the usual 15 just because I could….

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Gluten-free Gingerbread House

Gluten-free Gingerbread House

Hi everyone, how was your Christmas? Ours was over in a flash! We got home from Dominican at noon on Christmas day. Both of us managed to stay awake until 7pm (minus a couple of unplanned naps throughout the day) before we fell asleep on the living room couch for over 14 hours. We didn’t…

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