Category: Vegetarian

Rise and Shine Muffins

Rise and Shine Muffins

While visiting London this past November, a couple of colleagues and I quickly developed a morning ritual of meeting at the Starbucks on Berkeley Street before heading in to the office. Since Starbucks doesn’t offer any gluten-free baked goods; and even if they did, I’m not sure I’d be inclined to pass up a homemade…

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Gluten-free + Vegan Chewy Carob Chip Cookies

Gluten-free + Vegan Chewy Carob Chip Cookies

Slide over dreamy cookie balls, there’s a new cookie in town and he’s a dangerous one! Super, freakin’ dangerous. Sneaky, really. Before you realize, you’ll have eaten 6 of these guys without even knowing it. They put a spell on you… At least that’s my excuse. Maybe I’m so infatuated with these cookies because I’ve…

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Caramel Apple Doughnuts

Caramel Apple Doughnuts

I love caramel apples. I love dairy-free recipes. The gooey treat reminds me of the afternoons in the kitchen with my Mom, melting caramel for Halloween apples; and later, the endless hours I spent hanging out at the Calgary Stampede Midway as a teenager. Those caramel apples were upwards of $8 a pop, but that…

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Thai Basil Pecan Pesto

Thai Basil Pecan Pesto

Kevin got a new photography toy! They call it a beauty dish. It’s supposed to distribute light perfectly across the model you’re shooting. [source] Don’t let the name of the product fool you, it will not drastically improve the beauty of your subject. Especially if that subject just started up with spin classes after a…

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Grain-free Ginger Spice Muffin Tops

Grain-free Ginger Spice Muffin Tops

The potential coconut sensitivity that I mentioned on Friday = false alarm. Thank goodness. I spent most of the weekend panicking that my love for coconut had eventually led to a sensitivity. (When you eat too much of one thing, especially when you’re prone to allergies, your body can begin to develop a sensitivity to…

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Healing and Repairing my Digestion: Part IV

Healing and Repairing my Digestion: Part IV

For more on my healing and repairing digestion series, check out: Part I, Part II, Part III Horray for day 3, the last day of our journey! We’re saying goodbye to juices and hello to whole food smoothies, puréed soups, and colon hydrotherapy. But before we get into the nitty gritty, I thought I’d share…

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Healing and Repairing my Digestion: Part III

Healing and Repairing my Digestion: Part III

For more on my healing and repairing digestion series, check out: Part I, Part II It’s day two of my juice fast. One last day of juice and I’m on to smoothies. Just one more day. One more day. Maybe if I keep on repeating it, Wednesday will be here before I know it? I’m…

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Healing and Repairing my Digestion: Part II

Healing and Repairing my Digestion: Part II

For an introduction to the healing and repairing digestion series, check out this post. Before we get started with the menu for juice fast day #1, a couple of questions came up from last weeks’ post. You mentioned that you weren’t keen on cleansing in the winter. This is the first I’ve heard of this,…

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Superwoman Green Smoothie

Superwoman Green Smoothie

I’m not one to make New Year’s resolutions. In fact, I’m not sure I’ve ever made a resolution. But as 2011 was drawing a close I made a small promise to myself to get back to putting my health first. 2011 was full of ups and downs, new beginnings and endless work hours. Though I’m…

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Grain-free Apple Pancake Cobbler

Grain-free Apple Pancake Cobbler

We had the laziest day yesterday. I didn’t get out of my pajamas all day. We played rock, paper, scissors on who got to brave the outdoors and head to Superstore for an essential toilet paper run. I had two naps. I meditated for 30 minutes instead of the usual 15 just because I could….

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