Category: Vegan

Low Fat Vegan Maple Flax Cookies

Low Fat Vegan Maple Flax Cookies

Kevin and I decided to take it easy this past weekend. He’s been traveling so much for work that it was the first weekend in over 2 months that we’ve been able to just hang out. What relaxing activities did we do? We sat on the couch and caught up on our favorite shows! Many…

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Gingerbread Brownies

Gingerbread Brownies

I’ve been dying to share this recipe with you for days and days and years! I exaggerate. It’s only been two days. I’m quite good at exaggerating though. My excuse? I’m a Taurus which naturally limits my ability to state the facts correctly. That, and my Mom was a pro at it too. It was…

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Healthy Charms Cereal with 4 Flavor Variations

Healthy Charms Cereal with 4 Flavor Variations

Do you ever buy a product at the grocery store and think man I could totally make this at home and save a bunch of money? That happens a lot around here. Like the day I found out we could raise chickens in our backyard. Note: before entertaining the idea, make sure your dog doesn’t…

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Quinoa Salad with Smokey Bear Dressing

Quinoa Salad with Smokey Bear Dressing

Is it weird that the entire time I was enjoying this bowl of quinoa salad I was thinking of Smokey the bear? [source] Only you can prevent forest fires… Oh my gosh, blast from the past. But this recipe isn’t about bears, or forest fires, or PSA’s from 1950, sorry to disappoint. This recipe is…

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No bake Pumpkin Tarts

No bake Pumpkin Tarts

I wanted to do something different for Thanksgiving dessert this year. My Grandma’s Thanksgiving dessert specialty are butter tarts, my Mom’s is definitely pumpkin pie, and my sister makes a mean pumpkin crepe. But none of my Thanksgiving recipes are famous in our family… yet. This year I decided that it was time I made…

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Oil-free Sweet Basil Hummus

Oil-free Sweet Basil Hummus

Instead of carving pumpkins, decorating the Thanksgiving table, or cleaning the house, we went to Home Depot to buy some paint for my new office! The upper level of our house has 2 extra bedrooms. We are using 1 as a spare bedroom and the other as an office. Problem is, we never ever use…

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Vegan Banana Bread Animal Crackers

Vegan Banana Bread Animal Crackers

Yesterday I told you about all the cleansing foods I’ve been craving this week. I compared the bodies’ natural detox patterns to trees shedding their leaves in the fall, and we enjoyed a bowl of glorious green soup. But I kinda left a small detail out of the story and it’s time I let it…

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Pump up your Greens ‘Creamed’ Soup

Pump up your Greens ‘Creamed’ Soup

I’ve been craving greens, fish, and fresh fruit like no one’s business this week! I’ve had my fair share of 15 minute salmon cakes, BBQ kale chips, and various fruit salads. Right around this time every year, our bodies go into a natural detox cycle (similar to what we experience in the spring). We gravitate…

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Banana Chocolate Chip Protein Pancakes

Banana Chocolate Chip Protein Pancakes

Saturday was the day of running around like a crazy person. I slept in by accident, tripped over my gym bag, stubbing my toe in the process, lost my toothbrush (how does that even happen?) and spilled a carton of almond milk on the carpet. By the time I got to the gym at 11am…

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Hydrating Vegan Chocolate Milk

Hydrating Vegan Chocolate Milk

I’m generally not one to wish away the week, but boy am I happy that it’s Friday. Today’s my rest day from the gym so I treated myself to a 30 minute sleep in. It doesn’t sound like much, but when you wake up at 3:30am every minute counts. I have leftover homemade pad thai…

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