
The friendliest, most love-filled gossip you’ve ever overheard.

My heart flutters with gratitude for each and every last one of you.

If being part of the Healthful Pursuit community has triggered some crazy awesome happenings in your life or helped catapult you forward, I’d love to hear about it.

Emily Kingyens
Emily Kingyens Leanne’s passion radiates from every page as each photo, recipe and tip are all her own creation. All the recipes are brand new and original and mouthwatering! As always, I am left in awe, with a grumbling tummy. Allergies and food sensitivities be damned. Leanne saves the day again!

— Emily Kingyens

Kieran Gruber | Health is Happiness
Kieran Gruber | Health is Happiness The recipes that Leanne has created for Dessert Freedom are proof that desserts can be both healthy and delicious. These are desserts you can feel good about eating. I had the chance to try a few and trust me, you are in for a treat!

Kieran Gruber | Health is Happiness

Charissa 3 reasons why Dessert Freedom is awesome… 1) Leanne is caring and honest, and it really shows in this book. 2) The balance of recipes and pictures is perfect. 3) The tips Leanne shares are actually doable. I’m going to print them and remind myself throughout the day.

— Charissa

Catherine | Mint Grapefruit
Catherine | Mint Grapefruit Leanne’s work is a great resource for anyone who has decided to go dairy free. Reducing dairy intake can do wonders for your body and Leanne has some great recipes to help make the transition so much easier. Since I have gone dairy free, I have used Leanne as a resource a lot. Healthful Pursuit is my go-to dairy-free recipe blog.

— Catherine | Mint Grapefruit

Meghan Following Healthful Pursuit has helped me to understand how to eat appropriately for my training programs without starving or overeating, how to fuel my body with delicious food, and feed my family and friends with healthy meals. Best part is that I’ve learned how to use different spices and vegetables (that I’d never even heard of) and get excited about variety!

— Meghan

Jessy Leanne has inspired and helped me beyond words. Although I don’t have any allergies or anything, her recipes have really helped me to embrace a healthy lifestyle and diet and I feel and look healthier than I ever have before. Leanne’s recipes have so much variety and are fulfilling and complex in flavors, but still simple to make. I live in India and love Leanne’s take on Indian meals! She has transformed lots of boring Indian dishes into healthy meals that I look forward to making.

— Jessy

Sylvia | Gormande in the Kitchen
Sylvia | Gormande in the Kitchen Healthful Pursuit is an informative and accessible resource for those new to a dairy-free lifestyle without being overwhelming. The recipes she highlights show that being dairy-free is easier than you might think and provide great alternatives for people who need or want to remove dairy from their diet.

Sylvia | Gormande in the Kitchen

Dana | Zona Pellucida
Dana | Zona Pellucida All of Leanne’s dairy-free recipes helps to remove the sense of restriction out of going dairy-free. Her recipes offer delicious, easy, and fun alternatives to dairy products, leaving nothing behind to miss… except maybe acne or bloating. :) I can’t speak highly enough about Leanne’s recipes, and I would encourage anyone to give invite her recipes into their kitchen and watch their lives transform!

Dana | Zona Pellucida

Brittany | Eating Bird Food
Brittany | Eating Bird Food If you’re looking to eliminate or reduce diary from your diet, Leanne’s recipes and cookbooks are the perfect resource. She has a plethora of creative recipes that will have you whipping up nutritious and tasty dairy-free dishes in no time. Need to satisfy your cravings for a creamy pasta sauce or bake a cake with dairy-free frosting? Leanne’s got you covered!

Brittany | Eating Bird Food

Tara When I was told a had a bunch of allergies and needed to remove them from my diet, I found breakfast the hardest to manage, as wheat, eggs, barley, rye and cows milk was out of the picture. Leanne’s Real Meals Meal Planning Program gave me the tools I needed to feel empowered again. Now, I eat with variety, I eat with confidence and I feel so much healthier!

— Tara

Jennifer Thank you for being such a food genius! My allergies no longer stand in the way of me living out my life.

— Jennifer

Melinda We have 2 kids under the age of 3 and a household of dairy allergies, gluten intolerance’s and gastroparesis. It could be a mad house over here… but with Leanne’s creative, fun and simple recipes, creating a balanced life for myself and my family is easy. Clever and innovative use of pantry staples, easy to follow recipes, oodles of substitutions, meal ideas, allergen-free recipes… Leanne ROCKS!

— Melinda

Kennedy Leanne’s amazingly delicious recipes are easy, tasty and nutrient dense! She does not just a swap out gluten items for gluten-free items, but transforms dishes to be healthy and healing! Thank you so much Leanne for all your hard and delicious work!

— Kennedy

Shelby | Shelby Douglas
Shelby | Shelby Douglas With Leanne’s help, I was able to cut out dairy from my life… for good. Within hours of omitting dairy from my daily routine, I noticed a difference. Within HOURS. The few blemishes I had on my face disappeared within a couple days and I didn’t feel or look bloated anymore. My meals were all dairy free and I made them all from Leanne’s recipes. I used alternates to dairy and my meals were amazing!! I will never go back to a diet rich in dairy products again.

Shelby | Shelby Douglas

Tracy I love the flexibility in your Real Meals Meal Plans. I happily let my daughter have several of your treats without feeling guilty that she’s loading up on unhealthy treats. Thanks Leanne for sharing so freely…it’s making our transition for her to gluten-free and dairy-free so much easier!

— Tracy

Kara Leanne has inspired me to get off my butt and DO something with my life and begin to LOVE myself for who I am.

— Kara

Angela Leanne is such a fabulous resource for anyone with special dietary requirements. I am totally blown away by her creativity and thoroughness when it comes to developing dairy-free recipes. From sweet icing to savory soups, she’s got a solution for everything!


Glenda I love seeing Leanne’s smiling face every time I come here. So inspiring and full of light. My daughter and I have decided to live a holistic life and use Healthful Pursuit’s Real Meals Meal Planning Program to support our journey. I have a goal to keep eating healthy and lose weight slowly and it’s working! Leanne inspires me every day.

— Glenda

Jennifer Prior to discovering Healthful Pursuit last year, I had rarely cooked. As in, ever. Now I’m part of the Healthful Pursuit community, receive meal plans once a week and have created over 40 of Leanne’s dishes. My husband and I have thoroughly enjoyed each and every one of them. After following Leanne’s gluten-free recipes, I’ve been freed from bloating, pain, gas, and heartburn.

— Jennifer

Jag One of my biggest challenges to date has been enjoying meals when trying to live a healthy lifestyle, I always feel I’m eating the same stuff over and over again. Leanne’s meal plans bring so much variety to my week and reignites my passion to cook healthy meals, allowing me to focus on myself and living a healthier lifestyle.

— Jag