Cortisol, also known as the “stress hormone,” is naturally at its highest levels in the morning, and declines throughout the day. Too much stimulus (i.e. stress), can knock these levels out of their natural rhythm. Cortisol Manager helps to support the body’s natural rise and fall of cortisol, resulting in feelings of relaxation and a more restful night’s sleep.
Cortisol Manager features a non-habit forming, stress-reducing formula of ingredients such as Ashwagandha, L-Theanine, Magnolia, and Epimedium helping to reduce stress and support adrenal health.
Purchase on Amazon using the link below, or access my Fullscript recommendations and receive 20% off all of your supplements (it will ask you to signup an account in order to see the catalogue and my curated protocols).
Savings: use fullscript link for 20% off