Tag: parfait

10 (scientifically proven) Reasons Why I’m Not Scared of Eating Fat + Keto Vanilla Creme Pudding Parfaits recipe

10 (scientifically proven) Reasons Why I’m Not Scared of Eating Fat + Keto Vanilla Creme Pudding Parfaits recipe

Fat makes up the outside layer of every cell in your body. Our hormones need it, our muscles need it and (a lack of it) can lead to endless raging cravings for sugar at every turn. How (and why) I am no longer scared of eating fat and choose to follow a keto eating style.

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Pumpkin Gingersnap Chia Breakfast Parfaits

Pumpkin Gingersnap Chia Breakfast Parfaits

Pictures like this make me miss home, and my kitchen. There’s something to be said for being able to mosey on down to your kitchen and create whatever tickles your fancy. Don’t get me wrong, I’m having a great time in London; there are so many amazing shops, great energy, and tasty food to be…

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The Everything Awesome Frittata

The Everything Awesome Frittata

Oh my gosh it’s so hot out. It’s been 81F or higher since Sunday and looks like today will be about the same. Living in a town that sees 8 months of snow makes 81 degrees feel like we’re living in the sun. Thankfully our neighbors have air conditioning, and I have plenty of treats…

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Berries ‘n Cream Parfaits + Homemade Coconut Yogurt

Berries ‘n Cream Parfaits + Homemade Coconut Yogurt

I don’t generally toot my own horn, but I have to say I was pretty proud of myself when I made this. Not because of the pretty parfait [although holy moly are these babies delicious], but because I made my own yogurt. Homemade yogurt. How cool is that? And… it was easy! I used to…

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