Category: Drinks

Ultra Creamy Vegan Strawberry Milk

Ultra Creamy Vegan Strawberry Milk

Spring has sprung. It’s finally here! The markets are bustling with activity, new produce is livening up the market carts, and I know I’m not the only one that’s ready to get in on the apricot, strawberry, cherry and asparagus action around here.

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How to Make Sunflower Seed Milk

How to Make Sunflower Seed Milk

Today we’re learning how to make milk… sunflower seed style. This recipe is awesome for anyone who who’s allergic to nuts, oats, rice, soy or any other ingredient that’s been transformed into a dairy-free milk. … and if you’re allergic to sunflower seeds, have you seen my flax milk recipe? … and if you’re allergic…

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Love Your Greens Juice

Love Your Greens Juice

We’re rockin’ into day 2 of the cleanse. How are you doing? I’m a bit tired and my skin is doing something funky – blemishes galore up in ‘her, but otherwise I’m feeling great. It’s normal, when doing a cleanse, to feel a bit slow and tired, so I’m not too concerned. Slow and steady…

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Pink Lady Carrot Juice

Pink Lady Carrot Juice

I wish I could remember where I saw my first sweet potato juice recipe. It was a mind-blowing day. Juicing a sweet potato has never really been up there on my priorities list because, well, I didn’t even know juicing a sweet potato was even possible. But wouldn’t you know it, it is possible and…

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Berry Immunity Smoothie

Berry Immunity Smoothie

Since the discovery of cacao, goji, lucuma, maca and other superfoods, the basic superfoods like kale, blueberries, cranberries and apples, are not often considered to be so super any more. Well, I got news for you – they’re still super, they’re cheaper than a bag of goji berries, and they’re really easy to find no…

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Gluten-free & Vegan Meal Plans

Gluten-free & Vegan Meal Plans

Many of us want to nourish our bodies with healthy, home cooked meals that will make us feel good about ourselves, our bodies and our future. A bunch of you out there are also quite new to the vegan, gluten-free or grain-free eating style or are interested in learning more about it. And I just…

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Hot Apple Cider with Superfood Power!

Hot Apple Cider with Superfood Power!

I’m a Rocky Mountains girl through and through. The peaks draw me in with their magic, captivate me with their beauty and pull on my heart strings. I feel more at home in the shadow of a mountain than I do anywhere else in the world. When it came to decide where Mom, Dad, Christina…

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Pearrific Green Smoothie

Pearrific Green Smoothie

In October, I embarked on a self-guided 30 day yoga challenge to help sooth my emotions surrounding our recent move to Montreal. My intention for the month was to grow roots in this new city, begin to feel like I belong somewhere, let go of my fears and embrace the longing I had to return…

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North Pole Green Juice

North Pole Green Juice

I remember the day my Mom came home with a juicer… it was a scary. Her eyes lit up with excitement, she said something about beets, spinach… kale. I remember thinking, ‘Dad hates beets, what person likes spinach, and what the heck is a kale?’ I liked my veggies with butter, dressings and spices, not…

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Can’t Beet This Smoothie

Can’t Beet This Smoothie

October and November are the perfect months to detox our bodies in preparation for the long Winter ahead. There’s a 3 week cleanse program going on right now with whole food eats and while I haven’t been following it fully due to all the Halloween treats, I’ve been upping my fresh juice and smoothie intake…

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